The New Guy

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It's been a couple of days since Barf Bag got bitten and my switchblade disappeared. Still no sign of either of them. Today's digging was just like the past few days. The boys would make small talk about Barf  Bag and Squid would glare at me making stupid remarks that I'd ignore.

I finished alongside X-Ray again today. We began walking the long trip back to camp. It was just silence between us. I looked in every hole we passed, looking at all the lizards. They're kind of beautiful from a distance.

"Why isn't Barf Bag back yet?" I ask the question bugging me most. X-Ray shrugs.

"I don't know. I'll ask Mr Pendanski when we get back to camp"

"Thanks" I reply.

"You're worried about him" X-Ray states.

"Aren't you?"

"Of course but he'll be fine. Trust me"

"Trust isn't something I have a lot of these days" I state as I throw my shovel in the pile as we reach camp.

"Yeah I've noticed" X-Ray mumbles but I ignore it. We walk to D-Tent and I grab a change of clothes and a towel. I walk to the wardens cabin and walk inside.

"Its me" I shout so my mom can hear. I walk into the bathroom and close the door behind me then take a shower. After my shower I change into my relaxing clothes then walk out.

"Oh Hailie honey, do you mind passing my nail varnish over there. The pink one in the gold nail varnish box" I walk over to a bookshelf filled with useless shit my mom hoards. I pick up the gold Kate Barlow nail varnish box and pick out the pink one. I rummage through the rest of moms stuff. Maybe she has something interesting.

"What on earth do you think you're doing?" Mom asks as I open a drawer. Mom stomps over and grabs me, spinning me around to face her. In doing so my arm hits off the bookshelf and a lot of things fall. Despite the mess only one object catches my eye. I push her off me releasing myself from her grip and pick up my missing switch blade.

"Care to explain?" I ask through gritted teeth staring at the warden.

"I could ask the same. I sent Mr Sir to search your bunk. I knew you would find a way to sneak something like this in here"

"Well now I'm taking it back" I tell her shoving it in my pocket.

"You take that back and I will be forced to report you to my boss" Mom says looking me dead in the eye. I chuckle.

"Fine by me. Good luck explaining to them why a grown man was snopping around an underage girls bunk. See how well that turns out for you" I say then walk out. I walked back to D-Tent to find Squid, X-Ray, Armpit, Mr Pendanski and another boy outside.

"Oh Lewis won't be returning. He's still in the hospital" I hear Dr Pendanski say as I walk over.

"Well that's just great" I say rolling my eyes.

"Stanley meet Rex, Alan, Theadore and Hailie" Dr Pendanski introduces us all using our real names.

"Hi" The new guy, Stanley, says.

"Yo my name is X-Ray and that's Squid, that's Armpit, that's blade" X-Ray states.

"Him, tsk, he's mom" Squid smiles referring to Dr Pendanski.

"They all have their little nicknames but I prefer to use the name their parents gave them. The one society will remember them by" Dr Pendanski says. X-Ray nods his head sarcastically causing me to smile. "Theadore, why don't you show Stanley his cot?" X-Ray nods his head.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 17, 2017 ⏰

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