Goodbye Friend

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I woke up the next morning groggy and pissed. I couldn't be bothered dealing with anyone today. I got up with the guys and changed, not caring if they were looking. I put my hair in a pony and marched out with everyone else.

I got in line waiting for the shovels behind Squid. I sighed and thought about the sensation of hitting him with a shovel. I got a shovel then the disgusting breakfast. I walked over to the water Spigot and began filling my canteen. I groaned as Barf Bag joined me.

"Hey Blade can we talk?" Barf Bag asked.

"No" I replied simply. I took a sip of my canteen and began to walk away. Barf Bag caught up to me.

"It's important" Barf Bag pleaded.

"What?" I moaned giving in.

"I've been having these thoughts and feelings lately. Like I really don't want to be here and-" I cut him off.

"Yeah and the rest if us do. I nearly died of excitement when I got told I was gonna be digging holes everyday for fourteen months and to make it better the only contact I've had with family is a letter that got ripped up. Oh and I can't forget the fact this is a boys camp where I am the only girl and everyone treats me a piece of meat and I've already beat the shit out of some ass hat" His face drops as I spit the hateful words.

"Man and I thought I could talk to you but turns out you're like everyone else in here" He shakes his head with disappointment.

"Well you know what, I am like everyone I here. I broke the law like everyone else. I don't know why you came to me, I ain't a counsellor, we aren't friends. I am just difficult, mysterious and an overall bitch right?" I raised my eyebrows at him as I walked backwards with my shovel behind my neck as I was holding in with both hands at either side. I turn and walk normally joining D-Tent as we walk to our digging spot.

"Hey Blade" X-Ray greets happily as I join them.

"Fuck off" I tell him pissed. We get to our digging spot and begin to dig where we're told. Like everyday it drags on feeling like its never going to end. 'It's only temporary' I tell myself over and over. The boys engage in a conversation I take no part in.

"You know I don't think they would send a girl to a boys camp. It just doesn't make sense" Squid said loudly so I would hear.

"You saying I'm a dude?" I ask not caring. There's a lot worse I've been called.

"Yeah I am. I think you got all the dude parts and you're just hiding them from us" Squid says. All the guys look at us not knowing what to say.

"Are you saying you want me to flash you guys to prove I'm a girl?" I ask laughing slightly.

"Hell yeah, I'm up for that" X-Ray laughs.

"What do you have to lose?" Armpit asks.

"So it's not just that I have to change infront of you guys every morning you want me to flash you?" I ask rolling my eyes.

"We're tired in the morning we don't have the energy to look" Magnet states.

"Why are you being so defensive, if you really were a girl you'd have nothing to lose" Barf Bag states.

"You can make it quick" Zigzag says. I can't believe they've all turned against me. Well all except Hector who just looks worried.

"How about this" I bite my lips and slowly unzip my jumpsuit. All the guys look at me. I take my arms out of my sleeves and wrap my sleeves around my waist. "I'll beat the shit out of you 10 times worse than before and that goes for anyone that tries anything. You can think I'm a guy all you want"

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