-Chapter 4-

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Harry had woken up that morning feeling more alive than ever, but very tired. He and Louis went to bed very late that night. Harry didn't mind though since the older boy had cheered him up. He was still upset though especially when he checked his phone and saw "10 missed calls" from Simon. He didn't know what to do, he was too scared to call him back so he decided to just ignore the missed calls. Tapping on the 'Twitter' app Harry scrolled through his timeline seeing pictures of him and Louis with the fan. He smiled to himself. They both looked so damn good...mostly Louis though. 

Hearing slight shuffling next to him he locked his phone and turned around seeing a peaceful Louis sleeping by his side. He smiled at the smaller boy and booped his nose softly, then proceeding to lift the top making Louis look like a little pig.

"M' not a pig Harold," Louis huffed with a smile on his face.

"Yeah you're right, you're a little piggy." Harry said, dimples showing.

Harry then decided to get out bed after kissing his boyfriends' forehead. He was fully naked once he pulled the covers off of himself, he suddenly then remembered the night before. Blushing madly Harry quietly put on a pair of sweatpants that were on the ground.

"Why do you still blush? You act live I haven't seen you naked." Louis said with a smirk on his face.

"I don't know.. I just don't like my bo-" 

Louis cut him off.

"What isn't there to like? You're fucking perfect how do you not see this? I love how  your tattoos cover your tan body and how when you walk you strut a bit since you're so tall. I love the way your teeth are perfectly white and straight, and how your hair is so long and curly...hell that isn't the only long thing on your body, don't even get me started on that Harold. And don't even get me started on how much I love your goofy smile that shows your dimples... they make me melt into a puddle. I can't believe you don't see all these things. Your hips! Oh your hips, the hips I always love to squeeze. My oh my Harry, you're an angel." 

Noticing that he just rambled to Harry everything he had in his mind Louis' cheeks turned a bright red and he looked down. 

Harry couldn't believe his ears. Nobody has ever said that much to the boy and actually meant it. His whole life people at school made fun of his curls, and the way he walked. They called him so many names but he didn't care anymore...because Louis, HIS Louis, thought he was beautiful. Tears started streaming down his face while he looked at his boyfriend. 

"Harry I didn't mean to make you cry! I'm so sorry plea-" Louis said while getting up quickly.

"No no, its just nobody has called me that. I've never felt so wanted Louis..I-"

"Well now you have. You are wanted and always will be wanted by me Harry. I will always be there for you, no matter what." Louis said while wrapping his arms around Harry's neck and hugging him tightly.

Harry felt so loved. He had no others words so he sniffled into Louis' shoulder and kissed the boys neck tenderly. He saw the love marks he left the older boy the night before.

"Mine" Harry thought to himself.


Louis got a call from Simon but decided to ignore it. He didn't want to upset Harry and remind him about yesterday. He thought it was only fair to let Harry have a break from all this bullshit. Both boys have had enough to deal with in the past years. 

Sipping his morning coffee at the kitchen table Louis saw Harry's leather journal sitting on the kitchen counter. Why was it there? He heard that Harry was in the shower so curiosity took over him again. Quietly getting up from his chair he made his way to the journal picking it up and looking at the cover. He's never acknowledged it much and now saw that Harry had drawn little doodles on it with ink pen. Such as a boat, a compass, a few little rainbows, and a few rainy clouds. The boy sure had a mind of his own. Opening the journal and flipping to a random page he noticed Harry had written a poem in ink black pen. He read the poem and it went like this: 

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