-Chapter 9-

39 4 9

Literally crying rn, bloody hell


Harry was heading back to Louis' flat after he had lunch with Cara. He felt a lot better since she had cheered him up and even offered to pay for the meal. Obviously, Harry didn't allow that to happen. It was getting late now and he could smell Autumn in the air. He and Cara talked about a lot of things and discussed some things so by the time they were finished it was almost 7 p.m. It was dark out and Harry felt at ease. He walked down the streets slowly until he arrived at Louis' house and saw another car parked there. This was when all the peace Harry felt earlier, vanished. Who was at Louis' house? He knew it wasn't Oli or another one of Louis' friends.


Making his way up to the steps leading to the flats door, he opened the door and slowly walked in. Hanging his coat up he heard a giggle come from the living room. Was it a female? Harry rushed into the living room and saw Louis sitting with some random girl. She had brown hair, a weird looking nose, and she was wearing short-shorts and an ugly white shirt. Harry found this suspicious since it was fall and pretty much freezing outside.

What broke his heart the most was that Louis was sitting close to her, and they seemed to be laughing at something. Harry cleared his throat and they both looked up.

"H-hey Haz," Louis said, obviously not expecting to see Harry.

Harry had tears forming in his eyes because he knew exactly who that girl was. He tried looking tough but he started to break. It hasn't even been a day and Louis was already getting cozy with her. He obviously had no reason to since they weren't in public.

Mumbling a quiet "hi" Harry looked at this Eleanor girl and glared at her, anger forming in his eyes.

"Nice to meet you! I'm Eleanor!" she said standing up, her shorts were way too tight and short.

"Did I ask?" Harry said practically spitting on her.

"Harry can you be nice? The poor lady didn't do anything," Louis said fully turning his face towards Harry. His lips were swollen.

Harry thought Louis was gay. Harry thought Louis wouldn't hurt him. Harry thought Louis was smarter than this. HARRY THOUGHT LOUIS FUCKING LOVED HIM.

"Well I mean she just made out with my boyfriend so. I guess that makes both of you sluts, yeah?"

Eleanor's cheeks flushed and she looked down.

"Harry wha-" Louis was cut off.

"No, no. You know exactly what the fuck I'm talking about. I've loved you since I was 16 years old and this is how you repay me? With some slutty girl you've known for less than a day? Who was there when you had panic attacks? Who was there calming you down before every concert? Who was always there for you huh? Actually don't answer that, because trust me, thats the last time you'll ever be needing me. Have fun fucking some bitch that doesn't give two fucks about you. But remember, don't be calling me next time you need me. IM FUCKING GONE." Harry screamed.

And with that Harry stormed off before Louis could stop him.


When Harry stepped outside he broke down. He walked fast to Zayn's flat and was starting to choke on his tears. His eyes were blurry and his whole body was shaking. He kept muttering "fuck" to himself every time he tripped. He couldn't believe that this was happening to him. He rolled up his sleeves and saw the old, healing cuts on his wrists. He thought he would never have to worry about his depression anymore. He thought Louis was his hero. He thought Louis loved him. He was obviously wrong.

When he arrived to Zayn's flat it was 3 am. He started pounding on the door until Zayn answered.

"Harry whats wrong? Man you look like a wreck!" Zayn exclaimed.

Harry started crying again. Zayn put his arm around Harry and led him inside. He helped Harry get undressed, got him a cup of hot tea, and was sure to sit next to him while he was falling asleep. Zayn assured the boy that they would talk tomorrow morning and Harry nodded his head and fell asleep.


The following morning, Harry woke up to the smell of eggs. He sat up and looked at his surroundings. He was in Zayn's apartment. Slowly remembering the night before, his mood automatically changed to the worst.

"Morning Haz!" Niall said, a smile on his face.

Harry nodded and stood up, pushing his hair back away from his eyes. When the three boys sat down to eat breakfast, Harry was sure to tell them everything that had happened. He told them about Louis' swollen lips, the giggles, and how short her shorts were. The other boys had disgusted looks on their face and told Harry that everything would be alright.


He just caught the man he was in love with snogging (making out) with some random chick he's only known for a day. Was Louis really that stupid? Harry didn't know what to think anymore.

After breakfast, Liam called Harry and told him that Louis called in the morning and was crying.

You know what was strange though? Harry didn't give a fuck. He was so broken and he felt so dead that he didn't care how the other boy felt. If Louis truly loved him and cared about him, he wouldn't cheat on him. Heck, it probably wasn't a first.

Liam came over later and helped Niall and Zayn cheer up Harry. The boys ate pizza, watched funny movies, and spent the whole day together. Harry felt better but there was still a lot to fix after last night. He promised the boys he wouldn't touch his wrists and he told himself he wouldn't.


That night, Harry was sitting on the couch and was starting to get hungry. Nudging Zayn he asked,

"Is there anything to eat?"

Zayn nodded and asked if Harry wanted some ramen.

That's when Harry broke down. Ramen was one of Louis' favorite food and the boys would always share it. Harry started crying and shaking and he felt a panic attack coming. Zayn quickly pulled Harry onto his lap and rocked him like a baby. Yes, it might of looked weird but Zayn knew how to stop Harry's panic attacks. He cooed into the boys ear and massaged his head a bit until he saw that Harry fell asleep. And with that, Zayn fell asleep as well.


4 AM:

*Harry's phone buzzes*

Incoming message from: Lou x


"Harry I am so sorry. I am so broken without you please. I know you didn't want to hear from me but I can't live without you. That slut is nobody compared to you. I miss your curls. I miss your hips. I miss your laugh. Harry I miss you."


6 AM:

Incoming message from: Lou x


"Harry I'm still thinking about you. Please answer me once you wake up...I want to die right now."




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