~Chapter 12~

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Sorry I haven't been updating so often

School sucks ass x


Harry and Louis spent the whole day cuddling and watching old films such as "Grease" and "The Breakfast Club." They were both nervous about what media would think, but they were happy. That's all that mattered. Louis was proud that he exposed the boys and he was glad that Harry wasn't upset with him. He snuggled next to his boyfriend and couldn't stop smiling. They were finally free. He thought that word didn't exist anymore. Louis looked up at Harry and watched his boyfriend carefully, he couldn't get his eyes off of him. He loved the birthmark next to Harry's jawline. He loved Harry's deep dimples that would appear whenever Harry smiled. He loved his boyfriends pink lips that he got to kiss and feel. He loved everything about Harry, as cheesy as that sounded.

By the time both movies had ended, Louis had fallen asleep. Harry looked at him and slowly leaned in, kissing his lips gently. Louis' eyes slowly fluttered open and a blush covered his face. He closed his eyes again and started pressing into the kiss to make it deeper.

"Mmmm," was all you heard coming from the boys.

Louis sat down onto Harry's lap and wrapped his legs around the taller boys waist. He ran his fingers through Harry's long hair and he heard a whimper escape his lips. Louis was proud of himself, he was glad that he could make his boyfriend feel this way. He felt Harry's boner pressing against his bum.

"Eager I see..." Louis said teasingly.

"Shhhh," Harry said while slowly laying down, lowering Louis down with him.

Louis took off his shirt, tossing it to the side. Harry followed his actions and started kissing Louis' neck, leaving purple love marks all over. Biting at the older boys neck, Harry was starting to enjoy himself, and the moans escaping his boyfriends mouth. Harry slowly placed his hands on Louis' bum while deepening the kiss. He slowly took Louis' black skinnies off and started tracing his cold fingers down Louis' thighs. The other boy shivered to Harry's touch and arched his back to the cold touch against his steaming skin.

"Mmm...take off your p-pants," Louis stuttered out, starting to lose control.

Harry nodded quickly and slid his pants off, throwing them right on top of Louis'.

The boys started making out again until Louis stopped, pushing Harry back.

"W-what? Did I do something love?" Harry asked, furrowing his eyebrows.

"I-I love you Haz." was all Louis managed out before throwing himself at Harry again.

Louis and Harry made love that night, and Harry swore, he still felt those same sparks, just like the first time.

The next morning Louis woke up in bed, Harry being nowhere in sight. He turned his head and saw the trace of innocence on Harry's pillowcase. He then slowly looked down at his boxers, he was a loaded gun. Slowly remembering what happened last night, he sat up. He still had the taste of the night before on his tongue. Getting out of bed, he pulled on some sweatpants and a white t-shirt that smelled like Harry. He smiled. Walking slowly to the kitchen he could already smell the brewing coffee and sizzling bacon. He loved Sundays and this is why.

Harry turned around seeing a smiley Louis walking towards him. Placing down his wooden spoon, he turned to his boyfriend and wrapped his arms around his waist. Pressing Louis close to his body he could smell cigarettes and cologne. He nuzzled his head into Louis' neck and could hear the giggles that escaped the older boys mouth. They started rocking back and forth, both holding each other, ignoring their surroundings until Harry's phone started to ring. Sighing he let go of Louis and looked at the caller ID. It was Gemma.

"Hello?" Harry asked, when he picked up the phone.

"Harry oh my gosh! I am so proud of you! Mom's been crying all night!" Gemma screeched on the other line.

He smiled to himself. He was so happy that his family was supportive of him and Louis' decision.

"Thank you love!" Harry said, still smiling while looking at Louis who was now drooling over the bacon.

"Well all is good, except management isn't so happy. But hey, we are proud, the fans are too, and media has been saying so many amazing things! You and Louis have been the only thing on magazine and article covers. You both have been nothing but good news!" Gemma informed Harry.

Their conversation lasted for another ten minutes before Harry hung up, and started humming to himself. He told Louis everything that Gemma had said and he couldn't stop smiling. People were supporting him. People were proud of them, their fans still stayed with them! Handing the plate of bacon and scrambled eggs to Louis, the boys sat down at the kitchen table and started eating their breakfast. The boys ate and silence and just tuned into their own worlds. Louis was thinking about the future while Harry was thinking about Gucci's new winter collection. It had started raining and thundering outside so Harry knew it would be another lazy day. He didn't care though.

His sunshine was sitting right across from him. His bright, bright sunshine that filled the room.

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