~Chapter 14~

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"calm down curly"

btw, its Louis' birthday today, and like I'm not okay...

how is he 24....?


Harry woke up that morning feeling better than ever. It was a big day! His birthday. He was wondering what Louis had planned this time. Every year was different and Harry didn't know what surprise he was in for this time. Turning his head slowly, he noticed that he was alone in bed. He felt lonely and cold but he knew that Louis wouldn't always be there to warm him up. Sitting up slowly, his curls bounced all over the place. His hair was a mess in the morning, he looked like Tarzan. Slightly stretching, a groan escaped his lips. He had a slight headache coming but he chose to ignore it. Finally getting up, he moved himself to the windows facing his bed. Opening the curtains, he squinted his eyes. It was gloomy outside, the streets were filled with snow. He smiled to himself, he loved the snow no matter how cold it was. It brought back childhood memories and made him feel good. After glancing outside for awhile, he decided to finally go to the kitchen. Quickly putting on a pair of fluffy pajama pants, he made his way there. The closer he got to the kitchen, the more he could see the figure standing in front of the stove. Louis was cooking breakfast and humming to himself. He had already finished baking Harry's cake and he was now preparing Harry's favorite breakfast foods, such as pancakes, waffles, eggs, etc.

"Good morning boo bear," Harry said, standing behind Louis.

"Happy birthday my angel!" Louis squealed while turning around and hugging Harry.

The boys looked into each others eyes before they started passionately kissing. Louis tasted like frosting while Harry tasted of toothpaste. They kissed until Louis realized that he had to get back to cooking. He slowly pulled himself off of Harry and turned around, continuing to flip the pancakes he was making. Harry sat down at the kitchen table, looking at the vanilla cake facing him. He was fighting back an urge to lick some of the frosting off at the top. The snow was starting to pick up now and he heard beeping coming from the cars driving down the streets. Harry was happy, and he was glad he got to spend his birthday with Louis. He got multiple calls earlier from his friends and family, and he was so thankful for everything he had. Yes, his mothers presence was absent but he knew in his heart that she was there. She was looking at him from above and silently wishing him a happy birthday. Getting cold, he walked his way back to the bedroom and opened his closet doors. Roaming around he finally found one of Louis' jumpers and put it on, he instantly felt warmer. He loved wearing his boyfriends clothing, it made him so happy. Yes, he was much bigger than Louis so the clothing was tight at times, but he didn't care.

By the time both boys ate breakfast and tried the cake, they were both full and very cheerful. Suddenly, Louis' eyes widened.

"I forgot to show you the gifts I got you!" he yelled out.

"Oh no, you didn't have to pumpkin..." Harry replied.

Ignoring his comment Louis ran into their bedroom and came out carrying multiple bags. Both boys sat down across from each other, Louis wanted to see Harry's reactions to the gifts he had gotten him. Harry carefully started pulling out the items Louis had bought him. He got multiple pairs of Calvin Klein boxers, a very expensive watch, and multiple Gucci and Versace tops. He was on his last bag, when he pulled out a shoe box. Harry saw 'Chanel' was written on the box and he automatically knew it was another expensive gift. He opened the box and cried out with joy when he saw the pink glittery boots that were inside. He took them out of the box quickly and pulled them onto his own feet. They fit him perfectly and he started dancing around the room like a maniac. Louis started madly giggling, Harry really couldn't dance. No wonder they were in a boyband. At this point, Harry had starting waving his arms around and shaking his head, making his curls fly everywhere. Louis finally got up and started calming down the older boy. He pulled Harry close and rested his chin on top of the other boys shoulder. Harry's breath automatically slowed when Louis put his arms around Harry's neck. The boys started slow dancing around the room, forgetting about everyone and everything. The light coming from the windows reflected onto Harry's glittery boots, lighting them up even more. The boys danced and danced until Louis simply said,

"I have one more present for you Harold."

Leading Harry into the bedroom, Louis has a wide grin on his face. He pushed Harry gently onto the bed and made his way on top of him. Kissing the boy under him passionately, Louis was starting to get heated. He wanted to show Harry how much he loved him and he wanted this to be the best birthday Harry had ever celebrated. Both boys stripped out of their clothes, leaving them both in Calvin Klein boxers. Louis pulled Harry closer to him and started French kissing him passionately. He was doing a great job turning on Harry due to the groans he heard coming from under him. 

"D-don't tease" Harry barely whispered out.

Nodding Louis grabbed a condom and a bottle of lube and was ready to make love. He didn't like calling it sex with Harry, it was much more than that. Louis slowly took off Harry's boxers and was pleased to see what was waiting for him. Harry quickly went on his hands and knees, awaiting for Louis' further actions. Squeezing out some lube on his fingers, Louis was ready to stretch out the boy that was waiting for him. Putting in one finger at first, he heard a groan escape Harry's lips. 2.....3....It got louder.

"Ready princess?" Louis whispered out seductively.

Nodding quickly, Harry shuffled slightly, rocking against Louis' fingers. Louis pulled out his fingers slowly, ready to fill Harry with something bigger, something more pleasing. Sirens wailed outside while Louis put himself into Harry. The boy under him moaned loudly while Louis rocked his hips quickly, pleasing the birthday boy. Harry's moans were escaping his mouth loudly while his curls were flying everywhere.

"I l-love you," Harry barely managed out.

Louis nodded even though the other boy couldn't see, he was too focused on making Harry happy to reply. Louis started going faster until he could feel a tightness coming at the bottom of his stomach. He knew Harry was also near his climax. Pulling out of Harry, Louis heard the whimper escaping his boyfriends lips.

"Turn around for me love," Louis breathed out.

Obeying, Harry quickly turned around, his eyes were glowing, his cheeks were a red color, and his lips were swollen. He looked fucking beautiful.

"Get on your knees next to the bed and open your mouth princess," Louis commanded.

Harry quickly did as told, and waited patiently. Sitting down in front of Harry, Louis was ready. Taking in Louis whole, Harry started sucking his boyfriend off. He wanted to please himself as well, so he used his hands to touch himself. Harry looked up at his boyfriend and was amazed at what he saw. Louis had his head pushed back and his eyes were closed. His mouth was slightly open, and his hair was a mess, he looked like pure sex. Moments later, he heard a loud groan escape from Louis, and the warm liquid quickly fell into Harry's mouth, following Harry's climax as well. He managed to swallow all of Louis' cum, only bits of drool escaping his mouth. Both boys collapsed onto the bed after, not in the mood to clean up after themselves.

"I love you boo bear," was all Harry said before he fell asleep.

"I love you more," Louis said while looking at the angel sleeping on his chest.

His angel.


Thank you for reading, sorry for such slow updates ...


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Merry Christmas 

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 28, 2015 ⏰

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