-Chapter 6-

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Zayn was utterly confused on why Harry was crying, until he took the note from the boys hand and read it to himself. Still slightly confused, he asked Harry what it meant; but the other boy just shook his head and didn't answer. This is when Zayn decided to call Niall while comforting Harry. He knew that Niall would always cheer Harry up with his stupid jokes and his sunny smile.

"Hey Niall, would you come over please?" Zayn practically begged.

"O' course! On my way buddy!" Niall chirped.


Harry was still on the couch looking at the wall with a few tears on his cheeks and red eyes. His hair was a mess and he still had morning breath. Being the amazing friend he is, Zayn brought him breakfast in bed and tried comforting the younger boy the whole time. Harry was 21 years old but he was so sensitive and delicate that the boys had to take extra care of him. But hey, thats what friends are for.

Zayn heard a knock on the door and knew it was Niall.

"Ayoooo!!!!" Niall screamed when Zayn opened the door. Zayn hadn't told him what happened, he decided to wait until Niall saw Harry himself.

When Niall finally saw Harry sitting on the couch, still staring at the wall, the boys smile instantly fell. Niall quickly sat down next to Harry and hugged him tightly and started whispering things like: "its okay" "shhh." This is why Zayn loved Niall. He was always there for his family and friends and thats one of the best things about him. His cheerful smile made everyones day and he never failed to make someone happy.


After Harry had cheered up a bit, the boys decided to order some pizza and play some Fifa. Harry felt a lot better and he was thankful that his friends were by his side. He didn't want to think about Louis at all and it wasn't easy to keep forgetting about the note. But with Niall's cheerful screams and Zayn's fits about losing the rounds, he felt better.

Chewing on his pizza, Harry wanted to see what was happening on Twitter. Quietly grabbing his phone to not interrupt the other boys, he saw he had a missed call from management once again. He decided to finally call them back.

"H-hello?" Harry asked when they finally picked up.

Zayn and Niall paused the game and turned to look at him.

"Harry we have been worried sick about you! What the hell is going on? Louis called us about ten times crying into the phone and saying that he's hurt you and we don't even know what to do. Are you okay? Are you hurt?" Simon was saying.

Harry then started ignoring him and started thinking about Louis. He knew Louis was drunk when he wrote the note, and he knew that Louis was upset; but when people are drunk they often say whats been on their mind. Harry thought about the common thing a person says about this: "drunken words are a sober man's thoughts." His mother always had told him that.

He started listening to Simon once again and finally decided to speak up and say something. He explained to Simon what had happened and the way Louis was acting. Simon had told Harry to break it off with Louis and start a new life, with a women even.


Harry wasn't going to do that because he knew he was gay and Louis made him happy. Although they've been fighting lately and Harry hasn't been the happiest person, he was still the happiest when he was with Louis. Only Louis knew what kind of coffee Harry liked. Only Louis knew what shampoo Harry used. Only Louis knew how much the younger boy loved him. No. Harry wasn't going to leave him.

Muttering an "okay" back to Simon, Harry decided to go see Louis. He knew he would have to lie to Niall and Zayn but he thought it was the right thing to do.

"Boys, I'm just gonna run down to the grocery store and grab some food." Harry told them.

"We can go with you if you want, or we can go instead!" Zayn offered getting a nod from Niall.

"No, no. Its okay. I'll be back in a few hours. I might walk a bit too." Harry replied.

Getting a nod and a worried glance from his friends, Harry was finally able to leave the house. He was nervous about seeing Louis and he was hoping he could fix things with him.


Louis was passed out in his apartment when he heard a knock on the door.

"Liam..." Louis huffed looking around the room.

Liam was nowhere in sight.

Getting up from his bed and walking to the door, Louis felt like a mess. He didn't remember much from last night and his head was aching in pain. Opening the door and seeing the tall figure in front of him, he widened his eyes.

"H-Harry...?" Louis asked, tears forming in his eyes.

Nodding the taller boy let himself in.

Louis was shocked but glad that Harry was here to see him. He knew he looked like a mess and his apartment didn't look so welcoming, but he didn't care. His happiness was here and thats all that mattered.

"Harry I'm so so sorry. I know I hurt you and fuck, I bet you're here to break up with me. I-I called management and an-" Louis said, halfway choking on his tears.

"Louis, I'm not here to break up with you. Do you really think I'm that low? We've been through worse. Plus I can't be without you..." Harry whispered the last part.

Louis grinned at him like a child and jumped into his boyfriends lap.

"I missed you so much Haz, you don't even know..." Louis said, crying onto Harrys shoulder.

Harry put his arms around Louis' small body and pressed the boy closer. He missed this.

"Louis, I know. I missed you more. I-I'm broken without you," Harry said, tears also forming in his eyes.


The boys spent the afternoon watching romantic movies and eating pizza. Harry was sure to text Zayn and Niall informing them that he was staying at his moms for the night. He didn't want to tell them about Louis yet, he knew they would be upset with him. Harry was glad that he and Louis weren't fighting anymore but he got upset when Louis asked him:

"Why did you write that poem Harry?" Louis asked, looking straight into Harry's green eyes.

Harry didn't know how to respond. He honestly didn't know why he did and it's not like he was going to break up with Louis. He was thinking about his mom and dad's divorce when he was writing it. He explained this to Louis and the older boy frowned at him.

"Haz I'm sorry, I didn't know" Louis said, a sad look on his face.

Harry nodded. It wasn't Louis' fault. He would of thought the same thing.

Harry pulled the smaller boy closer to him and kissed his forehead. He wanted to stay this way forever and forget about everyone and everything around them. All of a sudden, both boys looked up seeing a half naked Liam staring at them with wide eyes.

Harry raised an eyebrow looking back and forth at Louis and Liam.

"Good morning boys!" Liam said.


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