chapter 16

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Chapter 16

I was extremely bored while they were planning everything out. Ironhide had drug a box over next to the big monitor and sat on it. He pulled me down so I was sitting on his lap. I laid my head against his chassis and listened to his spark until Optimus called me.

"Jessica, can you come here a moment?"

I opened my optics and looked up at Ironhide. He stood up and set me down on my feet. "I'll help you." He helped me to walk over to where the others were gathered around.

They cleared a spot for me and I saw that I was looking at a holographic blueprint of the Nemesis.

"We'd like for you to look over this layout and see if it looks correct. Also, add onto it if you can," Optimus said.

I hummed in reply then began to turn the layout around. I changed things as necessary then added other various places.

"That looks right," I said. "Make sure to avoid the communication center. That's where Megatron is most likely to be. Also, be extremely quiet and don't reveal yourself until absolutely necessary. If you can get on and off the ship without getting found, do it. That'll be your best bet for a successful mission."

"Thank you, Jessica," the Prime replied.

Since I was starting over, I had to give myself a new name as well. It was the only way I could completely start a new life.

"Call me...Beta."

' He smiled. "Thank you, Beta."

I grinned at the sound of my new name.

"It sounds perfect," Ironhide said to me in a soft voice.

"Absolutely perfect," Ratchet also said. It felt good to have my father's approval.

Ironhide and I went back to the box, and the others continued to plan for the mission. When they were done, they went through the bridge while Ratchet, Ironhide, and I stayed at the base.

To pass the time, my lovely mech helped me strengthen my legs by making me walk around the room several times. Naturally, I tripped several times and crashed to the floor, much to the amusement of the other two Autobots. After I ran into the wall for about the sixth time, I was determined to not make myself look any dumber than I was. I held my hand on the wall for support and made myself stay upright. Pretty soon, I was walking like any other normal Cybertronian. My father was thoroughly pleased. Ironhide even rewarded me with a quick kiss on the cheek. I giggled, and my cooling fans kicked on as energon rushed to my face. My favorite mech grinned and held my hand.

"I think that's enough for today," an annoyed medic grumbled.

"What, mad you can't get a femme of your own?" Ironhide laughed loudly at his joke.

"I'll have you know that plenty of femmes would love to be with me!"

"Oh yeah? Name one," Ironhide challenged.

"There's...there's..." He paused for a moment in thought. "Stop laying a claim on my sparkling!" he yelled in defeat. I laughed quietly at my father, who was at the computer. He turned back around to continue whatever it was that he was working on. I walked closer to see what it was. I watched as he put my information into the database. I noticed that he put himself as my father, my creator. I couldn't really say I was surprised. He did build my body after all. I was slightly confused when he put Ironhide in as my sparkmate. I didn't know what it was, but after a quick search in my databanks, I found out that it was like a husband or wife.

"Hey! We're not married!" I shook my fist at my father.

"You weren't supposed to see that...hmm...guess I have to explain now," he mumbled to himself. "Alright, the thing is, you will be eventually so I may as well put it into the system. The thing about a sparkmate is, the two Cybertronians in question are drawn to each other. Your sparks are perfectly designed for each other. Even before I put you in this body, I knew it was only a matter of time before you two got together. The pull was rather obvious even if you two didn't realize it."

"Are you saying you don't want to get bonded?" I looked up at Ironhide who had appeared behind me, and his face held disappointment and sadness. Great. Me and my big mouth.

"No that's not what I meant! It's just that it's making me feel really old. I'm only 17. I can't really get married without parental consent until I'm 21."

"You're going to have to get used to not caring about age. After all, I'm millions of years old," Ironhide said with a hint of smile. "And about your little parental consent, I guess it's a good thing that Ratchet approves of us. You're just like an adult Cybertronian, so we can bond anytime we want."

"Wait, we don't have to have someone do it for us?" I cocked my head to the side.

"Absolutely not, bonding is an extremely private matter," Ratchet answered as he finished entering my information. "We have so much to teach you," he mumbled as he shook his head. He then pulled up a diagram of the Nemesis that had the others' locations on it. I wonder how they took down the signal shielding or even found the ship for that matter...Oh well.

"Ratchet, we made it to the brig undetected. Things aren't adding up," Optimus spoke through his comm.

"What do you mean? There's someone there isn't there?"

"Yes, there's someone here," he replied.

"Only problem is that someone isn't an Autobot," Arcee added.

"There's a Decepticon in the brig?" Ratchet questioned in disbelief.

"Not just any Decepticon," the baritone voice of Optimus spoke. "Soundwave."


So apparently I had this written out a couple weeks ago and just needed to add to it.  Should have done it earlier.  Hehe sorry...  ANYWAYS!  Soundwave?! Whaaaat???  Wonder why he's in there :P Stay tuned ;)

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