Joyriding // Part 1

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"Frank - It's only a two minute ride, what's the big fuss?"

"You know how I am,"

"I really don't,"

"Anything can happen in two minutes,"

"Jesus - Just come on,"

"I don't want to -"

"Frank -"

"Oh my god, fine."

It's been like this since the whole incident where my parents died almost a year ago. I moved from New York to New Jersey after a few months of therapy to go and live with my Aunt.

Things have been pretty neutral lately. By neutral I meant her working all day, me going to school, saying a quick hellos to nearby neighbors. It was pretty much a normal week.

"You're 18 years old for God's sake, quit acting like a 5 year old before I knock you out." I rolled my eyes and sighed. That woman is always threatening me. I knew she was playing around though, I mean, I do it too.

We were currently headed to the cemetery ('we', I meant I was the only one going. She was just dropping me off). I actually wanted to go but I just didn't want to get in a car after what happened. She knew that. She always told me, 'You have to face your fears one way or another, either that or be scared for the rest of your life'.

I love my aunt and all, it's just sometimes she's too smart for my own good and makes me feel dumb.

Gotta love her though.

She actually reminded me a lot about my mother. They weren't blood related but they were still kind of the same in their own different ways. Like the way how they talk, they use their hands a lot, and how they laugh, they laugh with the same toothy smile. My mother told me that I had the same smile as the both of them. I didn't believe it at first but I guess I was wrong.

The ride to the cemetery was too quiet, she didn't even bother putting on the radio to make it less awkward. "I'll be back. I have to do some stuff. I'll meet you here or just meet me at the house when you decide to leave early." I nodded walking off to find my parents grave.

I walked around until I found 'Mr. and Mrs. Iero'. They told me they didn't want their real names on their graves when they die. I thought it was weird, everybody should at least have their real name on something when they passed. I also thought that them wanting to be buried here in New Jersey was weird too, In Belleville specifically.

I sat down criss-crossed on the ground and in front of the stone grave. I was just staring at it. It felt like I was dreaming right now, I still didn't believe that they were dead and 6 feet under me in boxes.

"Hey guys." I started. "Just came to say hi." It was usually eerie quiet in here, I liked it though. I felt comfortable being alone in a cemetery because y'know, it's totally normal for an 18 year old to hang out in a cemetery half past 4. "Uh - School's fine so far. I'm passing most of my classes, well, I got a 61 in Advanced Algebra - but it's still passing. I still take my meds but they keep making my hands shake. I think I'm gonna stop taking them though. I know, I know - it's a bad idea but I don't like when my hands shake. You guys already know that. Oh, my therapist said that I should be seeing him once a week to check up on me but I don't know honestly. He's just too - creepy,"

He was though. Many people thought he was just doing his job, whereas myself, I thought he just kept asking me really personal questions like 'How's my sex life' or 'What do I do on my free time on the weekends'.

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