Joyriding // Part 8

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"What the fuck do you mean you two are dating?" I took the phone away from my ear when Mikey decided to yell.

"Gerard and I are dating, Mikey." I stated clearly. "He asked me out this morning."

I heard him sigh, the sound sort of robotic. "What the fuck, Frank?"

"I know, that's what Ray said earlier."

"No - what the fuck, Frank? Are you fucking crazy? You know what my brother is capable of and yet you still say yes? You told me yourself you didn't trust him."

"Mikey -"

"No - don't you Mikey me."

I sighed deeply, closing my eyes. "You're mad?"

"Of course I'm fucking mad!" He snapped back. "It's my brother we're talking about! You know what he does to you, Frank, so what the fuck? What made you say yes to him in the first place?"

"I love him."

"That's not a fucking answer!" I heard him sigh. "Jesus, Frank. Learn how to think."

"You're definitely mad at me."

"No - I'm just worried about you, about this fucking situation."

"I know." I looked down at my jean covered legs. "I know, Mikes. But it's my choice. It was my choice to say yes."

"Okay and I get that but you fucking know how Gerard is."

Unfortunately, that was true. Mikey was right about it and I couldn't argue back because I know I'd be wrong.

Mikey was always right.

"Yes, I know that but you'd act the same way if you were in love with someone that your friends didn't trust."

He didn't answer, the static background suddenly becoming a deafening noise, almost like it was teasing me. "It's different,"

"What's different?"

"My brother." He finally replied. "My fucking brother is different."

"He's just as normal as the rest of us, Mikey. He's not different - just special, like me."

"He has a illness, Frank."

"Yeah, well so do I." I snapped. "Just because Gerard has a personality disorder doesn't mean anything. Depression is just as big as BPD."

"I get that but he's dangerous, and you sure as hell know that." Mikey said, lowering his voice like he knew someone was listening to him. "And that's all I'm gonna say because you seem to not get it yet."

"Of course I fucking get it, Mikey. I just can't fucking help who I fall in love with."

I honestly didn't know why I was defending Gerard. It was just my reaction because nobody needs to be shamed about what disorder or disease they have. I know that Mikey was just worried about me but I also know that he just wanted to see me happy, despite of what's been going on between Gerard and I for the past three years.

"Is that your excuse?"

"What do you think?"

He sighed out. "Whatever. Just don't call me two months later saying that he's getting worse because I'm just gonna say I fucking told you so."

"Alright." I heard the line go dead without another word from Mikey. I groaned, throwing myself back on to the couch, rubbing my temples.

"What's wrong, Frankie?" My aunts voice was just another distant noise in the room, the lights were getting brighter and I already knew I had a headache forming.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 23, 2018 ⏰

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