Joyriding // Part 2

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I was right about it again, like always.

I regretted walking outside to catch my bus the next day. Bert and Gerard were there at their usual spot, waiting for me to walk past them. That spot was their hang out spot, selling the drugs that Bert sells to his costumers or waiting for me to pass by before or after school.

I had my hood up from my Misfits hoodie, my hands stuffed into the pockets, and my headphones blasting music loud enough to block the sounds that were going on in the real world. I wasn't in the mood to deal with people's shit today.

It was Friday, of course I was going to wake up in a grumpy mood. All I kept thinking about since I woke was 'hurry up and let this day be over with'. It's literally been 15 minutes since I left the house and I was already pissed as hell. But I was always in a pissed off mood when I woke up to get ready for school, it was normal for me.

"Hey, Iero." The voice was barely audible due to my music blaring through my skull. I knew it was them. I could feel their presence behind me while I was walking to the bus. I was pretty used to it by now, them following me around, mocking me in a way to piss me off even more or something. They've been doing it since freshman year, basically the majority of high school.

I felt one of them grab my bookbag, pulling me back forcefully, making my headphones come out. "He's talking to you, Iero! Learn how to fucking listen." Gerard gave me a threatening look. Yeah, like that's supposed to scare me, Gerard. Sometimes, I actually wondered if the both of them were somewhat insane by all the laughing they do in the span of a minute.

It was a useless thought but I was just kind of curious. I was just curious about them in general. I was curious on why Bert decided to sell drugs, I was curious about why Gerard decided to tag along with him, I was just curious and there was no other way to put it, I guess.

It was actually kind of weird for me to be curious about the people that bully me. I mean, Bert doesn't consider as to being a bully since he was 4 years older, but Gerard does. I guess that counted, sort of. I really didn't know because why the fuck would a 22 year old man bully a 18 year old for fun? I don't get Bert at all. He was just as confusing as Gerard. I guess they were a perfect 'match', a perfect 'duo', perfect partners in 'crime'.

"Yeah, Frankie." I flinched from the sound of Bert's voice behind me. Oh, great. Can this day get any better? I mean, come on, I have April vacation next week. What a perfect way to start the weekend.

"Let him go, Gee." I watched as Gerard's face paled as another person walked towards us. Great, more people, what a fantastic way to boost up my anxiety. But I was confused on why he paled in the first place. Why did his face change from 'I'm Mr. Bad guy' to 'Holy shit I just got caught'?

"What do you want, Toro?" Bert broke the tension. Gerard still had his tight grip on me from of my hoodie, making me struggle to get out. I felt the bruises on my arms start to form from where he was holding me. What the hell was going on right now?

"Gerard, don't make the situation happen like last time." The guy warned again. I took a moment to study his appearance from where I was. He was wearing a pair of jeans, converse and some band shirt that was faded, from my guess the band was Metallica. But what interested me the most was his curly hair.

"You're no fun, Ray." Gerard scoffed, letting go of my hoodie as he walked back with Bert, out of sight.

'What the hell?' I thought. I looked at this guy like he was some god or something because how the hell can he get them to stop?

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