Chapter 2

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"Okay Jazmyn. I think you're all ready to go."   Alex, if you feel well enough to go bring Ms. Bieber to her mother then your excused."

I smiled at him happily and nodded. He returned it and walked out to his next patient.  

"Come on Jazz." I picked her up out of the chair and placed her on the ground before she grabbed my hand tightly. "Let's go see your mommy."

 "Hey Alex? Can i call you Al, I like Al." She was so cute.

I nodded. "My mom used to call me Al. I was little like you." It hurt to remember my mom. I thought she loved me but she didn't.

I approached the door that lead to the waiting room.

Opening the door i was greeted by scream's of children and voices of parent's.

There were multiple "get down's" being yelled.  

"Where's your mom Jazz?" I asked the little girl.

"Over..... THERE!" She replied obviously excited and pointed to the corner where a lady was reading something on her phone.

She grabbed my hand tighter and she led me to the woman with brown hair. She was tall-ish. Maybe a few inches taller than my 5'4 hieght.

"Hey Jazzy! How was my big girl?" Jazz let go of my hand and raced into the woman's arms.

"I was good mom. And i made a new friend. This is Alex. I can call her Al right mom?" She was so adorable. I always wanted kids,  maybe six.

"Sure sweetie. Hello Alex. I'm Pattie Bieber."

I smiled. She had a motherly feel to her.

"Hello Mrs. Bieber. I'm Alex Vega." I shook the manicured hand she offered to me.

"Call me Pattie. Oh, and this is my son Justin." I turned and found an incredable pair of brown eyes.  

It was Justin Bieber, a world famous celebrity. Someone who's preformed all over the world at various locations. Who date's model's and actress's.

I shakely smiled at him, pretending it didn't bother me that a god was standing in the same room as me. He gave me a signature smile. Some type of emotion i've never seen before in his eyes.

"Justin Bieber. Pleased to meet you beautiful. What's your name?" It look me about 10 seconds to realize he asked me a question.

I was to busy staring at him.

"Alex," I said immediatly trying not to melt at his voice. "Alex Vega."

"It's very nice to meet you Alex." He put out his hand for me to  shake.

My hand met his and thousands of little shocks went up my arm. His face was one big smile, he looked so happy, his eyes were bright and his smile was absolutely breathtaking.

I slowly pulled my hand back still staring into his eyes.

Millions and millions of emotions in his eyes. He looked so happy.

"Alex? Can i ask you something?" A tiny voice asked me.

He stared at me even when i turned back to Jazzy, I didn't want to look away

"Do you need something Jazz?" I was aware Justin was still staring at me, and i was getting creeped out a little. I kinda liked the attention though. It made me feel wanted.

"What was the doctor talking about when he asked if the sickness was acting up again?"

That was the question i dreaded.

I tried not to look at Pattie or Justin. "Well, sweetie. I have something called Leukemia. The Doctor's are trying to make me better, because i'm sick."  

She started tearing up. "Your sick Alex?"

She jumped out of her mom's arms and clutched my legs. "Don't die Alex. Please don't die."

That almost broke my heart. I got on my knees and hugged her. "It's ok hunny. I'm not gonna die. I'm gonna live along time. I'll be ok."

"Jazz. Why don't you and Justin go back to the tour bus? You'll see Alex again in a few day's." Pattie said.

Justin leaned down and took Jazzy who was looking at me sadly. He got to the door and looked back at me.

His face was completely blank as he disappeared out the door.

When they left Pattie turned to me.

"You really are sick Alex?" She also looked sad.

I smiled sadly at the older woman. "Yes. I'm going to the doctor's, I'm getting better. My mom left. My father.... he works a lot." I quickly made up the lie.

"What did you want to do Alex? Before you... found out?"

I wanted alot.

"I wanted to travel. See Australia, Rome, Paris and so many places."

"How long do you have left?" She seemed so depressed as she looked out the window at a purple, black and white bus.

I faintly saw Jazzy and someone i couldn't makeout looking out the window. I waved and turned back to Pattie.

"Less than two years." I answered. "If they can't cure it."

I don't even know why I was telling a woman I just met this but I was. I felt like she was a woman who would understand, like my mother used to.

'Because you trust her...' a small voice answered me.


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