Chapter 15

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please go back and read or you will have no idea what is happening!


I woke up to a loud bam and a few loud thumps.

I groaned and rolled over to face toward Caitlin and the clock.

Who the hell wakes up at 7:00 in the morning? I groaned again.

Yet another pillow bashed me in the face.

"Shut up Alex. People are trying to sleep." She yelled at me turning over body over to glare at me. Her brown eyes looked tired and angry all at once and i admit it kinda scared me.

She rolled back over, facing the wall.

"Where do you get all these pillows?!"

"I'm freaking magic." She mutters, turning to look at me again with sleepy eyes.

We were in our pajama's and Caitlin's hair still looked amazing.

It's wierd because her bed look's like a disaster area. Blanket's and pillow's were wrapped around her and all over the floor. Her pillows were all over me.

"Oh my god what's that noise?!" She practically yelled, before stuffing yet another pillow over her face.

"I'm going to go check it out." I paused. "And your coming with me."

"But I don't wanna." She whined.

"Well what if it's a murderer? I could die!" I exclaimed.

She groaned but reluctantly threw the remaining blanket's off her, setting her teddy bear down and walking toward me and out toward the noise in the kitchen.

"Pookie, if anything happen's, remember I love you okay?"

I rolled my eyes.

We cautiously walked down the hall in a ninja mode. We opened the boys door and saw their room empty. We glanced at eachother and soon came to a stop beside the kitchen.

We stood in the doorway watching as the boys stared at Justin trying to open a cabniet.

"How are you this difficult? Your just a damn cabniet!" He yelled kicking it a little. The look on his face was adorable.

"Man? Maybe it won't open because it's locked?" Ryan suggested to him.

"Or many it just doesn't like me- oh hey Alex, Caitlin." Justin said, finally noticing we where standing there. It must have been a sight to see, us being in our pajama's and my hair probably a mess.

"What's with all the banging?" Caitlin asked rubbing her eyes. "I thought there was a fight out here. Or so I was hoping."

I hit her arm. "You're a horriable person!"

"I know." She sighed shaking her head sadly. "I have a problem. A serious problem. I apologize."

I rolled my eyes at her.

"Hey Alex, can you cook?" Chaz asked from the table.

"Kinda." I shrugged. "Why do you ask?"

"Because we can't. We live on takeout food and the microwave. Caitlin complain's when she has to cook for us by herself." Chris piped in.

I looked over to Caitlin who nodded in disgust.

"They burn water." At my laughter she frowned.

"I'm not joking. All these 'fan fictions' on the computer say 'the boys cook an amazing dinner for our date'. Yeah, they all lie."

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