Chapter 14

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(Alex P.O.V)

"Well that was very awkward." I muttered looking anywhere but Justin. I felt his eyes land on me. A part of me felt sad that we didn't get to kiss. Well actually it was more like my heart was broken. So many emotions were running threw me.

I was excited.

Happy. Extremely happy.


Gut wrentching guilt. I almost kissed Justin and he has a girlfriend! Maybe everything would have been simpiler if I had just stayed home.

What if I did stay home that day Jazzy was in the dentist's? What if I let someone else take Jazzy's room? What if I didn't walk her to her mom?

What if I didn't meet Justin?

That thought was the most painful of all. I cared about Justin, I really did.

I don't want to admit it, but I really care deeply for him.

His feeling aren't the same though. It was a moment of weakness and he wanted to kiss me. He has a girlfriend and if I continue to like him I will only become a homewrecker.

What happened to my promise to never fall in love?

If he did like me or love me, i would only bring him and his career down. Why is life never simple?

I sighed and stared into his eyes. His beautiful brown eyes.....

"Yes. It was." He said not breaking the stare.

"Well, I better...... I better go now. You know, before the sundae's melt." I muttered to him, really not wanting to go but knowing I have to.

"Um, yeah. I guess so." He muttered looking at me sadly.

Was the 'almost kiss' so horriable that he was sad about it? Probably. He is used to kissing model's and has a freaking georgeous girlfriend. Plus she's a popstar and he's a popstar.

He would deserve better than me.

Me, the one who is ugly. The one who doesn't have a life to live for because no one care's for her.

Was THAT girl good enough?

With a sigh, I pick up the 2 sundae's and walk out of the room. Why does life have to be so complicated for me?

The hallway seemed endless but finally I made it up there.

Opening the door caused me to be bombarded with questions like "what's in it" and "Is that hot fudge i smell?" Before the sundae were ripped from my hands and I was dragged to my bed.

Overwhelmed I blurted out, "HOW THE HELL DID YOU GET IN HERE?!"

The question immediantly stopped her talking as I panted for breathe.

"Magic." Caitlin told me with jazz hands.

"Ummm hmmm." I mumbled talking a biite of my sundae. I like the marshmallows the best.

For some reasoon it said:

Caitlin do not touch!

It never said anything about Alex.

I looked up to see her staring at me. 

"What?" I asked as she stared at me. She just continued to stare at me. Not blinking.

I grimeced.

"Ok Cait this is just creeping me out now." I said as I squished into my bed. 

"So? What happened?" She yelled.

I sighed. "Well, Justin told you and Chaz to-"

Caitlin cleared her throut. "Chaz and you."

I rolled my eyes. "Anyway, Justin told CHAZ AND YOU, to go into the pantry and get the topping stuff. So when you were in there I kinda got nervous...."

I told her everything that happened from the moment she left till the moment I walked into the bedroom.

"Oh my god! So are you like, dating now?" She asked me, jumping up and down on her bed.

"Ok, first of all," I started. "I don't know anything about the guy."

"You will!" She yelled toward me.

"No. He has a girlfriend." I said, with a hint of sadness in my voice that even i could hear.

"For now." She said trying to cover it up as a cough. Apparently she didn't succeed since I was glaring at her.

"Yeah, just like you and Ryan!" I retorted to her.

"Just like you and Justin." She said back.

"That's never going to happen. You all know it and I know it. He's dating that Jessica girl, or whatever." I said back, pretending like it didn't bother me.

Caitlin sighed before a pillow was stuffed over my face. I sat up outraged.

"Did you just throw a pillow at me?" I asked astonished.

"Yes because you have to realize, Justin likes you!" She yelled at me making me sigh and lay my head back down.

"No he doesn't." I said again only to have yet ANOTHER pillow smashed into my face.

I jumped up. "Seriously?! Where are you getting these pillows?" Only after I said it did I realize Caitlin's pillow was still on her bed, but mine was missing, along with the one that used to be in the corner.

I sighed. "Caitlin? What have I told you about stealing?" She was quiet. "I think we need to have a little chat."

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