Chapter 9

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110 fan celebration!


1.) Justin's mom and dad are together.

2.) Jazzy is pattie's daughter!

I know it's not true but it has to be here.


"The butterfly just talked to me!" Chris yelled to us. "I swear it just said something!"

Apparently Pattie and the other's were going straight to South Carolina? Or was it North? I should learn to pay attention.

"I didn't know butterfly's talked...." Caitlin whispered to me. I smiled.

"Hey, you guys go ahead!" Justin yelled to Caitlin and me. "We have to get something from the bus!"

I raised an eyebrow and he only smiled.

I smiled wider seeing his beautiful smile. Chaz, Ryan, Justin and Chris turned around and smiled once before waving.

The way Justin looked at me reminded me of the way Ryan looked at Caitlin...... The way Justin looked at me when he think's i'm not looking.

I nodded to myself.

"Yo. Yo. Yo! What the fudge monkey are you doing? Standing there like that i mean really." A random kid muttered as she climbed the step's.

I stuck my tounge out at the little girl and she glared at me.

I heard Caitlin mutter something like 'Kids these days'.

"Caitlin! We are the same age!" I said as i climbed up the stairs toward her. "Your not that much older.... What is it a year?" I asked opening the door.

"No. A year and 3 months. Get it right god Alex." She rolled her eyes. "I mean really. Not remembering MY birthday is like wearing white after labour day. It just doesn't happen." She said in a bitching voice before she started laughing.

I giggled to.

"Seriously. That's what Jessica says. She think's she's perfect."

A teenager came up to us squealing as she threw her arms around Caitlin hitting my arm in the process.

"Owwww!" I groaned a little, rubbing my now aching arm.

"I just realized. Your Caitlin Beadles. Your brother is Christian Beadles. Your on tour with Justin Bieber. Those boys your with are Ryan and Chaz. And your living with JUSTIN BIEBER for two years! Holy Shi-" She started, looking like she was going to pee her pants.

"No swearing!" I screamed, putting a hand over her mouth. I think she was to excited to notice.

She took my hand off her mouth and smiled happily at me. "Who are you?"

"I'm Alex Vega. Caitlin's friend." I responded happily.

"Do you.... Do you think i could get a picture with you guys?" She asked hesitantly.

We both nodded. Oh my good, my first fan expierience.

She got in the middle of us and her mom took the picture.

"Oh my gosh thank you sooo much!" She exclaimed.

We nodded and i smiled happily.

"Hey, give me your Twitter and I'll follow you." Caitlin told her.

I told think the girl could get it out fast enough but she did.

After a few minutes of talking she eventually went back to her table with her mother to finish her dinner with her family.

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