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After managing to get mostly everything: their TV, love-seat, all of her cooking supplies, her pillows, all of her clothes, her bathroom supplies, her books, and every other single thing she owns in their house; she finally places Crookshanks in his cage and is ready to depart.

Before leaving, she sits at the kitchen table and takes out her mobile phone that her mum gave her for Christmas the previous year and decides to call Ginny to let her know she was about to be on her way.

I won't even leave him a letter. Let him wonder, she mentally decides, and then picks up her phone and dials Ginny to ask if she can stay a few nights at their home. Ginny, being like her father and interested in Muggle artifacts, got a cell phone from Hermione for her birthday the past year and was ecstatic about it.

"Hermione, are you okay?" A light feminine voice asks automatically when Ginny answers.

"Yes I am fine. But I do have a question for you." Hermione states as confidently as she can muster.

"Yes?" She sounds worried now.

"Can I come stay with you and Harry for a while when I look for a new place?"

Hermione can hear the gasp in Ginny's voice on the other side of the mobile. "What the hell happened Hermione?!"

"No time to explain because he will be here for lunch. I need to leave now and will explain when I get there," clarifies Hermione.

"Well alright, I guess. I really hoped you both would work things out," mutters Ginny with a disappointed tone.

Hermione then hangs up the phone and examines the apartment once more to see if she forgot anything. Hesitating, she picks up a dusty picture of them passionately kissing. Her brown hair is practically surrounding him and both are smiling in the kiss. She remembers that day like it was yesterday...

Ginny, Harry, Hermione, and Ron went to visit Paris the for Harry's birthday a year ago and Hermione had brought a camera to get pictures with that her mum gifted to her.

In front of a beautiful majestic lake surrounded by spring flowers, there was a bridge that viewed all of Paris and the Eiffel tower in the distance. Hermione had wanted to get a picture of them there in that very memorable and amazing moment with the scenery right behind them and after Ginny agreed to take the picture, Ron suddenly got on one knee and proposed to her.

"Hermione Jean Granger, you are beautiful, smart, my best friend, and I have loved you since the first day you annoyingly barged in to our compartment on the Hogwarts Express. Will you do me the honors of marrying me?" Hermione remembers every word, and how his legs shook out of control as he bent down on one knee. He looked as though he would feint at any moment.

Ginny then started snapping pictures including the one she is looking at now.

Hermione remembers starting to cry after screaming "YES!" And the two hugged and kissed as Ginny and Harry overlooked the moment, obviously happy for the two of them having waited for this moment for years. Shaking her head in disbelief at what is truly happening, she wipes a lone tear from her eye and raises her wand, whispering a spell that makes the glass of the picture frame break and then shortly following, she uses her wand again to rip the photo into two pieces. Wanting to create an even more dramatic effect, she draws a large black X on her so she was now out of the picture. That should leave a clear message. 

Finally gaining all the courage she possibly can, Hermione steps outside of what was Ron's and her apartment and attempts to shake that memory off of her mind even though it is planted there forever.

She looks back briefly at what she is leaving and feels tears well up in her eyes again. She just can't believe this man who she trusted with her life and has loved her since he met her had done such a horrible and heartless thing such as this. How can she ever forgive him? She can't. And with that final thought, Hermione finally steps on her sidewalk near her porch to apparate.

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