Hospital, A Ring, and Awkward Situations

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Draco opens his eyes after a good night's sleep and immediately looks over to Hermione, who they moved to her own hospital room overnight that accompanies a 'father bed' and 'baby bed'. He thinks about just how lucky he is to have this beautiful woman and newly born child in his life when he doesn't deserve it at all. He feels like the day before is just the best day of his life so far... Arabella Nymphadora was born.

Hermione is still sound asleep and Draco doesn't want to wake her so he quietly gets up off of his bed that magically folds up after he is done sleeping and sneaks over to baby Arabella's incubator which is right beside Hermione's hospital bed. This is her second day in the world and she can't be more beautiful. She has skin as soft as silk and a button nose that looks like Hermione's, her face generally looked more like Draco's though. He just can't believe she is his.

He doesn't regret for one moment that he changed his life for this beautiful woman. He always thought she was a special person, but he never knew after all the hate they had for each other before the war that he would be engaged and a brand new father to their child.

Right now nothing else matters but the happiness of Hermione and Arabella. And he doesn't give a damn whether they are pure-blood, half-blood, or muggle-born. He is more than proud of his half-blooded daughter than anyone can be.

Luckily, Dolohov is dead as of yesterday and Yaxley is back in Azkaban along with the rest of the Death Eaters because of Harry's doing and fellow Aurors and Draco can't be more grateful. They all could have died last night because of them, but the Aurors were just too fast to get to them before they could get to Draco, Hermione, and everyone else in the ward they were in of St. Mungo's.

"Did you sleep okay?" Asks a sleepy Hermione as she grins at her fiancé and daughter who sit near her in a chair.

"I slept well, thank you. Now what about you?" Draco asks her, getting up, handing her Arabella who is crying and kisses her on the forehead.

Hermione chuckles, "I didn't sleep much because I had to breast-feed her all night off and on, but I slept okay. Just happy she's here. And that we didn't get killed last night," Hermione tells Draco as she starts to breast-feed Ara again who stops crying immediately.

An hour passes and family starts to arrive again. To their surprise the first person to knock on the door is Narcissa Malfoy. Draco is happy to see her because he was quite worried about her being back at Malfoy Manor by herself with all the Death Eater activity.

She seems in high spirits as her eyes soften at the sight of her granddaughter. "Oh Draco, she looks just like you, son. She's beautiful," Narcissa is almost teary eyed.

"Thanks mum, we love her so much," Draco proudly says with a smile.

"I am so proud of you for changing into such a great person. I was never the best mum, and your father never the best father. But I guess we did an okay job," Narcissa says, smiling at her son.

"Mum you are a wonderful mother! And I know you will be a great grand mum as well!" Draco assures her.

"Can I hold her, Granger?" Narcissa asks Hermione, after smiling at Draco for what he said.

Hermione, a little emotional as well from listening to the conversation nods, "Of course."

Narcissa beams as she rubs her granddaughter's cheek and stares at her non-stop. "I wish your father was here to see her. But he deserves being in there for now," Narcissa tells the couple.

"Maybe he will see her someday when she's a bit older," Draco says.

"I sure hope so," Narcissa agrees.

"Mum, Harry got all of them back in Azkaban, and Dolohov is dead," Draco tells Narcissa, smiling.

"Oh thank heavens... I wasn't expecting them to be captured this quickly but thank goodness," she says with a smile lit up on her face now but never looking away from her granddaughter.

"Yes, and we have no more worries. They tried to track me last night and ended up here and almost killed us, but Harry's Aurors were waiting and were just too fast," Draco says proudly.

"Well, wonderful! I am glad. I hate that lot taking over our house. I only put up with it because of your father and used to be because of my sister, Bella, threatening to disown and kill me if I didn't keep loyal to the Death Eaters," Narcissa tells Draco as she shakes her head.

"I'm sorry-" Hermione says for the first time, knowing how complicated Draco and Narcissa's lives probably are at times.

"It's okay. But we are all okay now and you guys have a precious baby girl. Honestly Granger, I wouldn't pick anyone else for my son. Astoria Greengrass is just a horrible girl like her family always has been. I always thought Draco had a thing for you anyway the way he talked about you. He talked negative things but I could always tell there was something else there. Mothers know their sons like the back of our hands," Narcissa says looking up and actually looking Hermione in the eyes. Hermione blushes at what she says and turns to beam at Draco.

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