An Odd Meeting

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The morning starts out much like the day before as it is raining heavily still.

Hermione opens her eyes and glances at the clock which reads ten forty-five. Did she really sleep in this late? She is usually an early morning riser, always waking up at the crack of dawn to read a good book and watch the sunrise.

"Hermione, Ginny has breakfast ready, you hungry?" Harry asks through the door in a hushed voice. He doesn't open it in case she still wants privacy so doesn't know whether she is truly awake yet or not.

It is a Saturday so Harry is off, luckily Ron is not.

"Yes, I'll be there shortly," she mumbles groggily, still feeling like she could sleep a few more hours. Getting out of bed is hard because it is so comfortable, almost as comfortable as her bed was in the girl's dormitory at Hogwarts. It has to be memory foam, something Muggles sell to make their beds very fluffy to where your body practically molds into the bed itself. Ginny has taken a liking to Muggle things the past couple of years, she may have bought the mattress from a Muggle store. 

After finally making herself get out of bed, she slides on some sweatpants under her night gown and walks slowly into the kitchen, paying no mind that she had not put a bra on as she does not have anything anyway.

Ginny is hovering over a skillet with her wand preparing cinnamon flavored pancakes with homemade maple syrup. Hermione, feeling very hungry from not having an appetite the day before, piles up five pancakes onto her plate. She shovels them into her mouth like she hasn't eaten in weeks as Ginny chuckles across the dining table from her. 

"You hungry there?" jokes Ginny, eating her own pancakes but much slower than Hermione as she is feeding the baby mashed up bananas.

"Yes I am actually," chuckles Hermione, wiping maple syrup off her lips with a napkin and raising her wand to dispose of it.

As she finishes, she ponders silently on what she is going to do today. Something to keep her busy and keep her mind off of the past twenty-four hours of events is for certain. 

"Ginny, what are your plans for today?" She asks her friend curiously, wondering if she will just tag along wherever she is going today.

"Taking James to the Healer for his four month checkup at St. Mungo's. Would you like to join?"  

Hermione thinks about it but decides against it, alone time sounds even better. "No, I am actually thinking of going to Diagon Alley to Flourish and Blotts to read and clear my mind," explains Hermione.

"That sounds like a good idea. Maybe Harry will go with you?" Ginny wonders, glancing at her husband who is standing in his work attire watching the pouring rain from the back French doors that view the cornfields and pond. 

"Not today Hermione, I have loads to do. I am going to speak to your fiancé or ex-fiancé I should say, and catch up on a few cases, sorry." Harry tells her, frowning. "If it wasn't for that I would definitely spend the day with you."

"What!?" Hermione and Ginny gasp in unison.

"Yes I am going to meet Ron for lunch in Hogsmeade. I want to have a talk with him and see what his side of the story is on the matter between the two of you," says Harry, looking at Hermione apologetically. 

Hermione grows furious in a second's time. "His story? Harry, do you think I made this up?!"

"No Hermione, that's not what I am saying at all! I want to talk to him about this because I feel it is wrong what he did and I want to know why he did it!" Harry defends himself haughtily. He grows irritated at how Hermione attacked him the way she did.

Hermione glares at her best friend and then slowly forces herself to calm down as she realizes he is not against her. "Well, thank you. Just keep him away from me. I need not make any mistakes when it comes to him, I am done."

Back in her bedroom, Hermione wonders what to wear to Diagon Alley as she digs through her wardrobe and picks out a turquoise and green plaid button up shirt and a pair of skinny jeans. Why look too dressed up on a rainy day? Besides, fall wear is cute with rain boots.

She brushes her frizzy brown hair and then applies some moose to it to ease the tangles, this makes her hair look wavy even though it will frizz anyway because of the humidity. Glancing at herself in the mirror, her thoughts travel to Ron again, what is he doing right now? Does he miss her? Or does he even realize why she left? She then feels disgusted at thinking about even missing him and shakes her head at herself, turning to walk out of the room.

She glances at her cell phone for the first time today as she joins Ginny, Harry, and the baby in the living room again... sixty missed calls, forty-five voice mails, and one hundred text messages from Ron. Not wanting to even read them or listen to his voice, she turns her phone completely off. She needs peace today.

It is already noon when Hermione is finally ready to leave for Diagon Alley. She is looking forward to a day alone just buried in books because books have always been her therapy through everything.

"Have a good day Hermione!" Ginny farewells Hermione as she picks up her wand lying on their kitchen counter, preparing to leave.

"Will do Gin, I won't think of Ron once! Or I'll try not to," states Hermione weakly, knowing this is impossible.

"Good, don't, you should be on the lookout for other men! There's plenty of fish in the sea besides my git of a brother," instructs Ginny with half a grin.

Hermione smiles at Ginny's suggestion but doesn't feel quite right at the thought of looking at other men yet, not one day after a breakup with the man she swore would be her husband. She also knows with all of her heart that Ginny wishes this didn't happen. 

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