The Revealing To Ronald

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Hermione walks into Harry and Ginny's home after her talk with Draco, feeling shocked about the whole thing but relieved Draco promised he won't leave her.

"How did it go?" Ginny asks curiously, a pained look on her face. By the expression she is wearing Hermione guesses she didn't expect it to go well.

"Well, Draco doesn't seem like he is going to leave me but you can never be sure with him. He's going to stay right now even though we made a huge mistake," says Hermione, ashamed in herself for letting herself go that night like she did.

"I'm going to be a mum, Ginny," whispers Hermione, her brown eyes wide and looking into space as if in a trance.

"It's hard, but such a rewarding job to be a mummy, and no matter who the baby's father is and if you guys last, everything will be okay as long as you love and care for that baby," assures Ginny, smiling at her best friend.

One thing Hermione can't believe is that this was supposed to be her and Ron in the near future, not her with another man who she decided to try courting because Ron broke her heart. It is Ron's fault that they were not getting married and having a baby of their own. Hermione tries to fall asleep with difficulty thinking of what her baby will look like, her heart palpitates from the stress of the night and her regret for ever sleeping with Malfoy, although he is her boyfriend but is still well... Malfoy. And everything is still so new and unfamiliar.

When Hermione wakes the next morning as she sits up a wave of nausea overcomes her immediately and she bolts for the toilet.

Great, is this going to be my life now? Me and the toilet? She scrambles to the bathroom and spends a good ten minutes in there vomiting as she did the night before.

Finally, the nausea passes and she walks into the kitchen to join Harry and Ginny. "Good morning little momma!" Ginny said in a sing-song voice beaming with a smile, seeing where she had just been.

Hermione's face was sheet white and her eyes look watery, Ginny remembers when she was in her place. It wasn't too long ago either. She wishes inside that this would be her true niece or nephew, but unfortunately her brother made a stupid mistake, and now so did Hermione...

Hermione smiles sheepishly at her, "Not one just yet!"

"Ah, you're still in shock. I guess that expected though," says Ginny with a squeeze of her shoulder.

Instead of a warm breakfast, everyone eats cereal and that is fine with Hermione with her stomach feeling the way it does.

After she finishes her last bite, she notices Harry staring at her with sad eyes.

"I know what you are thinking Harry, who is going to tell Ron?" She asks him.

Harry nods in response. "I just don't know how to break it to him Hermione. This will be news almost as bad as his brother dying. Malfoy impregnated the love of his life; can you imagine how he will feel?" Harry replies with saddened eyes, not making any eye contact with Hermione anymore, he is not very happy with her choice that she made.

Hermione feels sad when he says this, more sad news that would break Ron's heart to do with her. She's not only dating another man but having an unexpected baby with another man, with an ex- Death-Eater, the one man Ron would rather die than watch Hermione with. This is the least thing she ever looked forward to in her whole life, telling Ron about this. She is afraid he may die of a heart attack at that very moment.

(Draco's POV)

Draco wakes up from a deep sleep, he gets out of bed and wonders how he will tell his mother that he is about to be a father.

When he walks into their huge kitchen full of servant elves, his mother is sitting at the huge black marble dining table reading The Daily Prophet. Since the war just had normal news in it from the wizarding world, no more bad news except for just occasionally, at least not for the last two years since the war had ended.

"Draco my sweet, how are you this morning?" Narcissa pipes up, noticing her son walking in the room.

"Good mum I guess, I have something important to tell you," he spits out, very nervous and trembling from head to toe.

Narcissa Malfoy puts down her paper and glares at her son. She has an immediate feeling it is about Hermione and she was quite sick of this little phase her son was in because she had been unusually nice and thought it would end quite soon. She wishes he would leave her already and go back to Astoria, the pretty pureblood whom had rich parents and had a family very similar to theirs; her son would be in deep water with Mr. Greengrass if he didn't, the Greengrass family may even be a darker family than the Malfoys. Either way, Narcissa knew her son was in trouble by the look on his face, deep trouble.

"What is it now Draco?" She wonders, her eyes glued to her son's in obvious annoyance.

He nervously played with his thumbs, "Well uhh... Hermione and I well...slept together one night mistakenly because we were kind of drunk and didn't use any type of protection, and now...erm, well... she is pregnant with my child, I am going to be a father." Draco doesn't look his mother in the eyes when he told her in the fastest pace he ever spit out. It was probably a good thing because her glare would probably kill when she looks at him.

"Draco this is such a mistake, you are only twenty! What are you going to do? And how do you know it isn't that Weasley boy's? Hasn't she trolleyed around with him in bed at times for quite a while? Weren't they even engaged to be wed?" She stands up in anger, staring down at her son.

"Mum it is my responsibility and I am sorry, I know many people will be upset with us. It was a...erm, accident, we made a serious mistake mum, believe me it was not purposely," He apologizes.

"Draco, no child is an "accident" only a blessing. But with a mudblood? I can't believe it Draco; I wonder what your Father will think of you and Granger having a child together, he will surely not be the happiest of people. Hmmph! I do like the girl even though she's muggle-born. At least your child is going to be pureblood! What about Astoria? Are you really not ever going to try to work it out with her?"

Draco rolled his eyes, he is so sick of hearing about all the pureblood garbage and about his ex whom he hates with a passion, hasn't his mom agreed with him being with Hermione just days before this? He doesn't care about that magical blood crap anymore after seeing all the blood slain at the war, he is sick with himself how he was before, even though he knew he was raised like that by his parents, his Aunt Bellatrix, and the rest of the Black family from day one.

"Actually mum, it will be a half-blood child! And even if it was a Muggle, it will still be loved in my eyes! And I want nothing to do with that little Greengrass twit and I will not be treated as father treated you all my life! I don't give a damn whether her father wants to kill me or not. I told you how I feel and you obviously didn't really accept it and just acted like it! You are acting no better than your bitch of a sister Aunt Bella right now, mum." Draco snaps back.

His mum's eyes widens with anger and horror as Draco storms off and slams his hollow bedroom door, making the windows even rattle in the big kitchen room.

"Draco Malfoy! Come back this instant, do not talk to your mother like that!" Narcissa screams at the top of her lungs, but Draco had already slammed his bedroom door behind him after running up the stairs and away from his mum, who he did not at all want to be around at that moment.
(Hermione's POV)

Hermione sits in her favorite spot on the wooden porch swing as she sees Ron walking down the drive way.

"Oh damn Ronald, why do you always show up at the worse times?" She asks herself, getting up and running to ask Harry what to do.

"Don't tell him yet. He will freak out, he has been doing enough of that lately! We will tell him when the time is right!"
But Ron is already in the house. "Flip about what mate? Tell me what?"

"Oh, hi Ron, erm, nothing..." Harry tries to say without revealing anything.

Ginny is feeding little James in the living room reading a magazine about her Quidditch team that she was on during the summer and occasionally throughout other seasons, a seeker for the Holyhead Harpies. So it is just Hermione and the two boys in the kitchen alone. Hermione sits awkwardly on a bar stool, looking down at the table.

Ron starts getting angry. "I am so sick of people keeping shit from me since her and I broke up!"

Harry just looks at The Quibbler on the table and Hermione is anxious and wondering what to say.

"Tell me!" He roars, looking at Hermione for answers.

"I'm pregnant Ron! I'm pregnant! Okay?!" Hermione then runs to her room as fast as she can and slams the door behind her.

"That's just BLOODY WONDERFUL HERMIONE!" He yells, which makes James cry in the living room and Ginny sighs loudly at her brother and throws down her magazine.

"Thanks Ron, he was JUST going to sleep!" She yells at him as baby James started to cry again.

Ron sits at the table ignoring Ginny and as though nothing happened but his wrists were clenched.

"Who's child is it Harry? Did she say it was mine?" Ron asks hopefully, looking at his friend with sad eyes.

"Ron, its Malfoy's child and I am so sorry. We think it is his because you said you haven't been in bed with her for months," Harry whispers quietly, looking up at his best friend with grieving eyes, he isn't happy with the situation at all.

Ron doesn't look mad anymore, he just looks defeated and very sad.

"Well, that's just great. So I really am losing her for good. This is my entire fault, if I never cheated she would never have even looked at that git much less sleep with the ferret. I know it's my fault Harry, no one else's. I now know that there is no chance of ever being with her again and that she is probably going to always be with Malfoy now!" Ron looks like he would cry, but he doesn't feel like crying, he just feels severely depressed. "I still hate the git! He was still on his side, the side that killed my brother!" He adds, hoping Hermione would hear him loud and clear.

Hermione is listening through the crack of the door. She is happy Ron finally realized it was all because he cheated, and that if it wasn't for that she would still probably happily be with him. She opens her bedroom door and walked back out to him and sits by him at the table.

"Ron, can we be friends? Like old times?" She asks, knowing this sounds desperate. Ron looks at Hermione with pained eyes.

"I don't hate you Hermione and I want to be anything you want but I don't know if we can be anything just yet. Just know I will always love you... no matter who you or I are with. No matter whose baby you are having, no matter who you marry. You are beautiful and deserve much better than I, who cheated on you. That doesn't change the fact that I wish Malfoy died back in The Room of Requirement when Harry went and saved him! By the way Harry, I did tell you back then that if we die for him I'll kill you, well this is pretty close to being just as bad." he says, looking at Harry for a moment who looks back up with him with his concerned green eyes.

Hermione takes a chance and hugs him. "Thank you Ron, I needed to hear that from you. I will always love you too. Please know if you didn't cheat this would have never happened and I am not surprised to hear that from you, because you don't know Draco now." Says Hermione, giving a little grin, but her face is still grim.

"It just needed to be said, and I am quite sure I know him quite well, well enough to despise him and still hate him for getting the girl I love pregnant and also being on the side that killed Fred!" he loudly answers back, ruining Hermione's uplifted mood.

"Ron, we were drunk, it was a mistake!" Hermione cries desperately. Ron ignores her.

Ron then turns toward Ginny without saying another word to Hermione as though he didn't want her to see his face.

"Ginny, mum wants you to come over tonight, she wants some company with you and wants to see baby James. I'll be with George at his store tonight," he says to his sister calmly, but you can see the storm clouds building in his eyes.

"Okay," she squeaks out, surprised from her brother's calm composure.

"Well I need to go. Later everyone," He then apparates right on the spot with a loud crack. He doesn't look at Hermione again.

Harry, Hermione, and Ginny are stunned by Ron's response to Hermione's being pregnant with Malfoy's baby. They are also very worried with what he is going to do with himself. It can't be too much of a good thing that he didn't show much emotion, they all know Ron. And they know that this is the last thing Ron ever wanted to hear from someone's mouth. He doesn't fool them, he is about to break down.

Hermione worries he might try and kill Draco with his own two hands. It isn't like Ron to hide his anger and she could see it boiling along with his sadness in his face.

Oh how she hates the mistake she made, but she has to be strong now that she made it. Now she has to tell her parents, the next big milestone.


Hermione knocks on her parent's door at around four p.m. it is raining again and the air is kind of cool as she waits at their door, wrapping her jacket tighter around her.

Hermione's mother, Jean Granger, opens the door and hugs her daughter. "Oh Hermione, how nice of you to drop in and visit. Are you okay?"

"Yes mum, I am fine. Where's daddy?"

"At work still, why?" Jean asks her daughter. Hermione never shares much of her private life so something big must be going on.

"I have something to tell you guys and it might stun you," says Hermione, following her mum to their couch.

"Oh honey, you can tell me now," assures her mother, sitting up straight getting ready for the news.

"I'm just going to go ahead and say it. I'm pregnant mum," says Hermione quietly and quickly.

Jean Granger threw a hand over her mouth. "Oh honey, who's baby? I thought you and Ronald broke up."

"We did, the baby is my new boyfriend's whom you haven't met yet. I am so sorry mum," Hermione apologizes, looking down at her knees shamefully.

"Oh don't be ashamed Hermione. You're twenty and capable of being a wonderful mum although I do wish you waited until you were married first but things always happen."

"Thank you, I know I made a horrible mistake by doing this." Confesses Hermione, hugging her mum to her as she starts to cry. All of her emotions have always never been hidden from her mum as she is her true best friend and Hermione tells her everything.

"Is it that Ronald Weasley chap?" Jean Granger asks curiously.

Hermione feels a twinge of sadness in her heart. "No mum, it's a boy named Draco Malfoy."

Her mom gasps and Hermione feels even worse that she remembers Draco's name. "Hermione, didn't you say he is one of the bad ones?"

Hermione remembers telling her mum about her loathing of Draco before now.

"No, he's much better now. And I think I might grow to love him, he's grown up now and is a gentleman now. Even though he was harsh to me, I don't think he ever meant it. I was harsh to him too," defends Hermione.

"Oh Hermione, good, but I hope this is the right thing for you. Wow, a baby, I can't believe it! I'm going to be a grandmum!" Exclaims Jean excitedly as she hugs her daughter tightly again. She then mumbles, not believing it, "my only baby is having a baby."

This is one of the times when Hermione is appreciative at the fact that her parents only have the slightest clue about the world she lives in, and everything she has been through.

A normal witch's parent who knew of all the specs of the wizarding world and whom is good and bad would probably want Malfoy to be the last wizard courting their daughter. Hermione stays for just awhile longer and then apparates back home after promising her mum it is okay if she tells her father.
(Draco's POV)

Draco's yelling at his mum gives him a good feeling about himself, he really is changed. He has learned how to care and defend someone else besides just his family.

Finally, he has some peace to himself as he lies on his huge bed. He thinks deeply of his new found relationship with Hermione and imagines what the child will look like.

Will it have his eyes? Will it look like her? Boy or girl? It doesn't matter because he loves this child already, even though this happened so fast for him. They have only been together a month after all. But he has known Hermione for years, so it isn't like they just met.
(Hermione's POV)

Hermione falls asleep on Ginny's couch and is awakened by Ginny and Harry walking through the door with baby James.

"Evening Hermione!" Ginny greets with a smile on her face.

"Where have you been?" Hermione asks sitting up to look at her two friends, feeling groggy still.

"Mum's, she made dinner. You were gone so I didn't even try to get ahold of you. I knew you were telling your mum the news and Ron was there sulking anyway before he left to George's or wherever he went. How did that go by the way?" Ginny wonders.

"Good, surprisingly good!" Hermione says with her spirits heightened. She is so happy things went so well with her mum, and she is getting used to the fact she was pregnant now. She is starting to come to terms with her mistake.

Everything happens for a reason, Ginny's words from that night Ron broke her heart echoes through Hermione's head.

After Ginny and Harry gets James settled down, they go to bed. Hermione soon does the same, even though it is quite early, she's exhausted.

Her thoughts then turn to Ron, wondering if he was okay and hoping that he isn't hurting himself right about now and that George is being a good comfort to him.

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