Draco's Surprise

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We get to go home today!" Hermione coos at her newborn daughter as she feeds her for the first time since she woke up that morning at nine a.m. The discharge process has already started and Draco leaves to get the surprise a little more ready for Hermione to get out of the hospital.

He still doesn't want Hermione to know what it is still, but she doesn't mind. She has a feeling she really will love it whatever it is.

Baby Arabella's little eyes stare up at Hermione as she lays her down after her feeding to get her dressed. Every time she looks into her daughter's eyes it makes Hermione feel so happy inside, like she has won a prize, an amazing blessing.

Draco kindly asks everyone to stay home today because he wants it to just be Hermione and himself today for the first time in the past three days or so.

Healer Tompkins has been in and out all morning long with papers and Arabella's birth certificate and ect. She comes in again and has Hermione sign her discharge papers, "You're all set to go little lady. It was a pleasure taking care of you and little Arabella. Come visit us sometime soon!"

"Will do!" Hermione promises as she gets the last part of the luggage together while baby Ara now sleeps quietly in the incubator.

Draco shows up a little while later and helps by carrying all of Hermione and the baby's things after picking all of it up with magic because there is quite a bit of stuff. They settle into the Ford Anglia after Draco makes sure the newborn is safely in her seat , he then starts driving to the place where they are going.

Hermione, curious, keeps looking around at where they might be going. When Draco sees her prying, Draco gives her a bandanna out of thin air and tells her to put it around her eyes.

"But the baby, I have to watch her!" Hermione complains.

"I'll watch her, don't worry. You can't see this until we get there." Draco assures her.

They park and Draco turns off the engine. He then gets the baby out who is now in her infant carriage, heavily on his arm, and the luggage. He then directs Hermione to go ahead and open her eyes when they are in right in the front of where he brought her.

"Oh my God!" Hermione yells excitedly. "A HOUSE! Seriously Draco? How did you just happen to have this house!?"

Before her stands a large size farm house on a lot of beautiful hilly land with a large river behind it and grassy pastures on the horizon for as far as they can see. It seems to not be far from Ginny and Harry's and it is the color of off white with royal blue shutters. It is beautiful, a house Hermione only could ever dream about before now. Hermione now looks at Draco with raised eyebrows, expecting an explanation.

"Well, Andromeda had this a year ago but they moved and she told my mum about it, and here is our surprise, it's all set up for us to live in!" Draco says.

"Oh my God, I love it! It's everything I ever wanted," Hermione says excitedly as she starts to walk toward it with a huge smile.

"Well go have a look Hermione! It's ours!" Draco tells her excitedly.

Hermione walks to the door and opens it with Draco and their baby behind her.

Before her there is a light blue living room with beautiful white furniture which includes white leather couches, a coffee table, and a white fireplace in front of her. Even a big screened TV is sitting on a stand. It is even complete with a baby swing for Arabella and a pile of baby blankets. Hermione loves it so much she is almost in tears.

She walks into the kitchen which is a color of beautiful beige and it has the most modern oven, refrigerator, coffee maker, and all the nicest kitchen appliances you can think of to satisfy Hermione's Muggle side of her. Draco was sure to tell his aunt and mum to include this for her.

She moves into a bedroom in the back of the house that is decorated in different shades of pink for baby Arabella. They even have a beautiful white wooden crib with bedding of daisies and also a changing table to match, and a dresser filled with lots of pink, ruffly, and colorful baby clothes and stuffed animals. Hermione loves it so much! Andromeda and Narcissa did such a good job, she can't be more grateful for what they did for herself and Draco.

Then she almost completely breaks down when she sees Draco and her bedroom, it is the most beautiful bedroom she's ever seen in her life. It is the color of turquoise and looks like an ocean almost, the comforter is a beautiful white down comforter and there is a bunch of pretty pillows and a huge master bathroom with a massive Jacuzzi tub as big as a small swimming pool. Fluffy white towels and wash cloths hung on a pole. Hermione brushes her hand across them and feels shocked at how soft they are. She even thinks their house may be prettier than Ginny and Harry's but she'd never tell them that.

"Do you love it?" Draco wonders, entering the bathroom behind her and looking around himself.

He too is completely satisfied with the size and look of the house. He always felt like Malfoy Manor could swallow him, and that was apart from the dark secrets and magic it held. He was definitely excited to get out of there as well. Although his mum declares she would miss him terribly, she agrees it was time for him to get a fresh start in life.

"Oh Draco, it's perfect for us!" Hermione exclaims, a tear coming from her eye from the overall emotion from it. She takes baby Arabella out of the baby carrier and brings her to all the different rooms in the house. The baby girl listens to her mother's voice, her eyes fixed on her as though she can understand as Hermione introduces the baby to her room.

The things happening lately are amazing to Hermione. She is engaged with a beautiful baby girl and an amazing new house. Yes, even if it was Draco Malfoy she is engaged to, she's very happy.

"Does anyone other than you and your mum know?" Hermione wonders.

"No just Harry. The Weasleys or Ginny don't know either," Draco says with a smile. "We can have a dinner party if you like to show it off tomorrow night. I can cook on our new grill, I'd like that. And don't worry; I have only brought one house elf over here to help out with chores, Elaina. She wanted to come! So I let her," Draco explains, knowing Hermione's views on house-elf slaves.

Hermione just smiles, "I would love to have a dinner party, and I'll invite everyone that I'd like to come. And okay, as long as she requested it! Where is she?"

Draco just laughs at this, expecting a lecture. "Yes ma'am. And she's behind you, I told her you might object to her coming because of the way you view house elf slavery and she hid, not wanting to upset you."

Then like she was called, little Elaina comes running in on Draco's last word.

"Oh Miss Granger what a beautiful baby! Master Malfoy was telling me how wonderful she is! I can't wait to babysit her when she gets older!" The little house-elf proclaims.

"Well I will definitely let you! Elaina, are you sure you want to serve for us? Because like Master Malfoy said, I do not tolerate any house-elf's service unless you absolutely want to. Otherwise you're free!" Hermione says gruffly.

"Ohh nooo miss!" Elaina sobs on her front shirt. "Elaina loves Master Malfoy, I wanted to come with him, I have been with him since he was a small child and took care of him when his father did bad things!"

"Okay Elaina, good then, you are most welcome here but you do what you please. You are not our servant but our fellow housemate!" Hermione says with raised eyebrows. She then glares at Draco who nods in agreement as she cradled little Arabella on their living room couch now.

"I'll take the baby and you can start on the invites for tomorrow night? If you want to that is..." Draco offers with a smile as he takes baby Arabella who makes sounds as if she is fussy now. Draco just kept speaking softly to her and the baby calms down at the sound of his voice, he dreamily says, "I just love our daughter."

Hermione smiles at the baby and then picks up her mobile phone to call Ginny.

Hermione tells Ginny about the dinner party tomorrow night and she says Harry and her would be there and tell Mrs. Weasley. Hermione then calls Ron; he hesitates but then says he'd be there with Lavender. Then Hermione calls Neville and Luna and he says they would be there as well, and Dean Thomas and Cho. And she calls her mum and dad, and they are coming as well. Everyone so far agrees and Hermione is very excited to show off their place. But she still questions if she is in a dream. Is this baby and house truly hers?

Draco owls his mum, but he doesn't quite expect her to show up unless Andromeda comes with Teddy and so they invite them too. But the owl that came thirty minutes later says she will indeed attend to both of their surprise.

When the sun goes down, Hermione finishes her invites and then kisses Draco and stands up to take a bath in their new bathtub as he tries to rock baby Arabella to sleep for a nap.

Hermione walks into the beautiful marble floor bathroom and turns on the water to what looks bigger than any prefect tub at Hogwarts. She turns on some of the soaps and then steps into the hot water. Her skin turns a light red from the temperature and she lays her head back to relax.

The hot water feels good because she is still a bit sore from labor of Arabella. Although the magic made everything cure, her stomach is just a little sore.


Draco sits silently in thought as he closes his eyes and relaxes while the baby falls asleep finally.

He is a bit nervous about the dinner party. He is afraid drama will unfold with everyone there. But he remembers this is a happy time and he wants to show Hermione how happy he is to be with her and be engaged to her.

Even though his Father was horrible while he grew up, his mum made sure to teach Draco how to treat a woman. Draco never truly listened to her until now, now that he's grown up. And he knows someone like him and someone like Hermione together will always spell drama with something or somebody. He won't have it any other way if it means he can still have her and Arabella... he doesn't care what anyone thinks of them together.


Hermione lays her head back into the warm water and lets it engulf her hair and face. She bathes and then after relaxing a good thirty minutes, she finally steps out. She puts on a white bath robe and walks to join her fiancé and daughter in the living room again.

She smiles huge when she walks into the living room and sees Draco fast asleep with Arabella on his bare chest. Her heart swells as she thinks how much she loves her new little family.

She knows in her heart that it could have been with Ron, but everything happens for a reason and there is a reason why Ron and Hermione didn't make it. She accepted that months ago now, even though sometimes she doesn't realize it.

Draco hears Hermione walking in the living and he smiles at her. "I hope you had a good bath in your new bathtub?" He asks her.

She smiles at him, "Yes, I had an amazing bath."

"Good," He simply says and then gazes down at his daughter with a grin.

"I'll put her to bed," Hermione says coming to reach for the newborn baby in Draco's arms.

"Okay," Draco says as he looks Hermione up and down. She doesn't have anything else on under her robe, and he enjoys the view of her bare cleavage. Her hair hangs loosely with curls around her shoulders.

"I'll wait for you in our bedroom," Draco says almost seductively, a bit tired and wanting some 'alone' time with his fiancée.

Hermione kisses Arabella on the cheek before putting her inside her beautiful little bassinet-crib in her new bedroom. She is still in shock that this angel faced baby was actually hers. She then walks into the bedroom she is to share with her fiancé.

She always felt strongly about being married first before sleeping together in a bed at night, but she is not the same Hermione she was two years ago. She had slept with Ron, and now with Draco in the same bed. Oh well.

She takes off her bath robe, a little self-conscious about her body since she just had a baby, but she really has no stretch marks whatsoever and she is grateful for that for sure. Her body, because of magic, was almost to the size she was before the pregnancy.

Draco opens his eyes to see his future wife get in bed with him. He knew she was unclothed and he grabs her and starts to kiss her skin, not being with her like this since the night in the hotel. Hermione accepts as it has been so long since they made any kind of real contact.

Draco got on top of Hermione but was gentle because he knows she is still sore on her stomach. He kisses her and rubs his hands against all of her skin.

She sighs and kisses Draco passionately like she did the first night they made love
She lay next to him and sighs, saying that she was ready for bed since she just had a baby and can't do any sexual activity. She thanks Draco again for the surprise house as she is so excited about it still and feels as though someone needed to pinch her awake.

Draco kisses his fiancée one more time and then agrees that he will sleep as well, she is already totally asleep within five minutes.

He is more happy than he had ever been.. Good things like this don't happen to the Malfoys.

A/N: Almost done guys!!!! One more chapter!!! What did you think of Draco's surprise? You wouldn't think Lucius Malfoy's son could turn out to be so charming! Thank you all for reading and reviewing!!! <3


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