Blood is Thicker Than Liquid, Except When Love is Involved

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It is raining for the first time in weeks when Hermione opens her eyes the next morning. Baby Arabella is already kicking her, and that's what woke her up. She looks at Draco, who is still fast asleep, his blonde shaggy hair resting over his closed eyelids and long brown eyelashes.

Her excitement still doesn't fade that her suspicion about her baby being a girl is true. It makes her honestly proud. She already can imagine what her little one will be like. Hopefully a bookworm like she was, everyone would know her as Hermione's little girl, smart and beautiful. Hopefully strong like Draco.

Draco interrupts her thoughts with a kiss on her cheek. "'Morning," he mumbles.

"Hey there," Hermione whispers to him, smiling.

"I have to work today," Draco says, starting to get out of bed.

"Well, I don't want to go to work today. I'm too tired. I will go another day soon and I also don't feel like everyone staring at me. I will finish my Auror training, and I decided that's the job I'll do after Ara's born," Hermione states, grinning and then getting out of bed herself. She will stay and relax today at Harry and Ginny's.

"That will be good, and Ara will be her nickname?" asks Draco.

"Yes," replies Hermione with a glowing smile.

Draco gets dressed as Hermione makes her bed, staying in her pajamas. Soon they walk in the kitchen together where Ginny of course is just finishing her cooking. Today it is cinnamon rolls, all homemade from scratch.

Draco and Hermione sit side by side on the bar stools. Being twenty-three weeks, Hermione is not comfortable sitting on such a hard and unstable chair, but she doesn't stir.

"Good morning!" Ginny says brightly, putting plates under Draco and Hermione's noses and plopping two cinnamon rolls on each plate, adding scrambled eggs to them as well. Hermione digs in immediately, Draco watches her, amused.

Ginny giggles, "You can definitely tell she's eating for two!"

"Shut it Ginny!" Hermione chuckles, trying not to laugh as she wipes icing off of her cheek with her finger.

They then eat in silence, and Ginny says all of a sudden when Hermione finishes her last bite, "Ron and Lavender broke up again."

Hermione rolls her eyes at the news. "Wow, talk about an on and off again couple."

"I think they're made for each other, they are pathetically both dim-witted," Draco adds.

Ginny and Hermione both glare at him. "My brother isn't that bad, he just makes stupid choices sometimes." Hermione nods in agreement to what Ginny said. Draco scowls.

They have not heard anything from Harry as far as the small breakout from Azkaban. Nothing is in the papers either. It seems that Kingsley just concludes the bars on the windows will keep the rest in  while the other Death Eaters are nowhere to be found, which raises worry in the wizarding world.

Harry and Draco both kiss the girls goodbye and apparate to the Ministry, oddly together. Draco chats but Harry doesn't speak much back, he still doesn't particularly like Draco. He has a feeling about him, and not a good one.

Hermione and Ginny chat and laugh, mostly talking about their men. And they also gossip about Lavender too and how she's probably in The Pub, drinking off her sorrows.

"Well, let's go shopping and visit your mum," Ginny suggests, as they have been pondering what they should do today.

"Sounds good, let me call her," Hermione states, picking up her phone. Her mother agrees to meet the two girls and James in a Muggle mall near London.

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