Chapter Eight

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We ran side by side with me in the middle of Peter and Black. We have been running for a good 20 minutes and we can now hear the sounds of howls, growls, whimpers, and cries. I could smell the blood of our fallen enemies. I could also smell the rotting, dirty, and torn flesh of the rogues. It's truly a disgusting smell. We ran hard and fast. Black sticking close to me and soon enough to we reached the fight.

'Remember the only exposed body part is your muzzle and eyes. Those are the only things you need to make sure don't get hurt. Incase we get separated or if I die. I love you. I feel bad for not explaining when we met. And I can't undo what I did but I can only fix it and make it up to you.' He said and I gave him a wolfs grin.

'Then kill them all without dying.' I say and lick his muzzle before running into the battle. Six rogues charged me at once not one of them having armor like us. I charged the biggest one first and teleported behind him confusing the hell out of them all. I attacked him from behind and snapped his neck. Remember when I edit set that wood on fire that one time in the woods on my old pack. I figured out that I could breathe fire. Yeah? Hehe. I set three of them on fire. The other two looked scared shitless so I quickly pounced on one of them and killed him by piercings his heart with my silver claws on the armor. I turned to the last one. I slowly stalked towards it. My teeth bared and my lips pulled back. She honestly looked like she didn't want to be here. From the beginning she looked like she was just following the crowed. I backed her up pretending to be foaming at the mouth and her eyes widened. She whimpered and cowered back showing her neck and I narrowed my eyes at her. She lowered into her stomach and looked under me. She started shifting back and yelped. It's obviously her first time shifting back. In a while if not ever shifting back. My eyes softened but I immediately hid it. She shifted back stark naked but it didn't matter. We are both girls. I looked at her arms and her stomach riddled with scars or new wounds. I smelt the air and smelt silver and salt. The salt kept wounds from healing for a long time. They obviously torture her. I heard a rogue trying to sneak up on me and ignored him knowing he can't hurt me but also waiting for the right time. When he was close enough I whipped around and tackled him slowly clawing down his stomach. His yells wounded me. War is a horrible thing. How can they do this. I shook my head quickly finishing him off and turning back to the girl. I cautiously walked towards her waiting for her to attack. I bit her arm and she screamed pushing me away. I licked her arm and the mind link mark sealed shut.

'Can I trust you?' I asked and she jumped and tilted her head.

'Can I trust you not to hurt me.' I asked and she hesitantly nodded.

'Good. My name is Katalien get on my back. The silver is enchanted so it's only activated when saliva touches it.' I said and she nodded and shakily stood up but fell back down opening her mouth to make sound but none came. I walked closer and laid in front of her. She. Crawled over and climbed on and I stood up. I ran back to the blacksmiths and Jaden walked out sniffing the air. He looked at the girl and his eyes darkened. He looked at me wearily and I nodded. He walked closer a I felt her move on my back.

'Get a towel.' I commanded in mind link and he nodded and got a blanket. He walked back and I laid down quickly so she wouldn't slide off and he threw it over her. Even tho she was his mate she still shook in the presence of him and he whimpered at the fact that his mate is scared of him.

'Please get down so I can shift back.' I linked her and I could feel her slowly sliding to the side to get off. Jaden stepped forward to help and she froze so I growled at him and he backed away keeping his distance. Once she was sat in the floor covered I stood back up at attention and lowered my head motioning Jaden to take my helmet off. He complied and then proceeded to take all my armor off. Wen he finished I shifted back and appeared in my Phoenix colored robe.

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