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We made it back to the pack safely and I was forced to put my little kitten in a dog crate since she wasn't able to shift back. I still feel guilty for doing it. Although, once we made it to the pack house, we were able to safely let Kat out. I had shifted and rubbed up against the cage before nodding at my beta to let her out. I left the pack in the hands of my mother for the time since she was the only one able to communicate with me.


I followed close behind my little kitten as she sniffed and prowled around every bush, tree, shrub, and plant looking for a good place to den. She took us almost to the border of the Wyoming sector. We even saw a Yellowstone park ranger and Kat almost attacked him but I was able to stop her. He was quite frightened by my size and looked about ready to pass out. Let's just hope he keeps it to himself. Although I doubt anyone would believe him. I am happy that, to humans, Kat looks like a normal wolf instead of a fiery Phoenix one though.

I stopped abruptly when Kat stopped and sniffed at a large oak tree. There seemed to be a den already there but it wasn't big enough to fit us both. Kat started digging, and I so desperately wanted to go stop her and dig the den myself, but I remembered that the doctor said she would be aggressive. The last thing I wanted to do was start a fight with my pregnant mate. I sniffed the area and made sure there wasn't any danger near before I walked a good 1/4 of a mile and rubbed up against trees and peed an almost every thing around the circumference of the territory. I did it twice to make sure it was undoubtfully marked before I went back to the den in the center of the territory. When I slowed at the entrance of the den I was met with a face full of dirt. I let out a small growl and shook the dirt off before running off again to get a den offering. Kats wolf new the drill from instinct and already knew to make the den very large for me but she would still expect a den offering. I managed to find a few rabbits and a baby deer before I started making my way back to the den. When I stopped outside of the den and dropped everything, Kats head popped out of the den and she quickly came out with her tail tucked between her legs, wagging, while she happily licked my muzzle. She quickly ate one of the rabbits before getting back to work on the den. When she kicked some dirt up onto the food I dragged it away and got to work getting rid of the giant pile of dirt at the mouth of the den. By the time I am able to finish I am covered in dirt from the dirt Kat dug up and my paws are caked in dirt. When Kat climbs out of the den panting I lead her to the lake I saw earlier and clean off my paws. Kat takes long drinks of water before she swims into the river shaking her fur of and cleaning it while she's deep in the water. I wade into the water and lick her back to get the place she missed.

We got out and shook off the extra water. We walked back to the den, her occasionally rubbing up against me and me nipping her ear.

"Black?" I hear my kittens soft voice and my wolf purrs.

"Yes kitten?" I ask.

"Where are we?" She asks.

"We are within a one forth mile radius of the den." I say and she nods.

"Did she finish?" She asks and I hum.

"Yes she did." I say licking her head.

"I haven't been inside but I did move the dirt pile in front of the den and it was huge." I say and she giggles. A sweet melody to hear at any time.

"Let's go see shall we?" She asks and I nod. We pick up speed a little but not much.

"Soon you'll be living in it without leaving at all kitten." I say and she nods.

"I know." She says pressing closer to me.

"I think the alpha and Luna of a wolf pack broke off to den away from the pack. There is no possible way that he isn't alpha he's at least 7 feet tall." I hear a mans voice. I groan when I realize it must be the rangers voice. I grab Kat around the scruff and place my front paws high up in a tree and place her in a branch that will cover her in leaves.

Alpha BlackWhere stories live. Discover now