Sickness Pt. 2

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One day when Anna went ice harvesting with Kristoff. She was trying to get a block of ice and Kristoff tried to help her. "No i got it!" She yelled. "You been trying this for 5 minutes!" Said Kristoff. Anna was close to pulling the ice up. "I got it!" She said but she was mostly about to fall in. "You stubborn!" Said Kristoff. Then Anna felt in the water, Kristoff helped her out. "Thanks. But I'm cold." Anna said. "I'll take you home." Then Kristoff carried Anna to the sled. Through out the trip back home Anna was getting very cold. "Are you alright?" Kristoff asked. "Yes I'm fine." Anna lied not wanting Kristoff to know but Kristoff can tell. Kristoff wrapped Anna in blankets. "We have to get you back fast." He said. Before they can get there Anna fainted. Kristoff felt her head. She was so cold that she couldn't wake up! Kristoff made it back to the castle fast and carried Anna to her room and lied her down in her bed. "Anna?" He shook her gently trying to wake her up. Kristoff the gently tucked Anna in and stayed by her side for the night. The next morning Anna still can't wake up. Kristoff checked her temperature. She was below 59 degrees. Kristoff not wanting his true love to die stayed by her side. Elsa heard about this and tried to get Kristoff out her room for a while because he been in there for too long. One day. "Kristoff you might want to get our of there. Anna might need some rest." Elsa said. Kristoff shook his head and stayed near Anna. "Kristoff. I talked to the doctors. Anna is way to cold, I'm sorry she might not make it." Tears were dripping from Kristoff's eyes. "She's going to make it." He said. "If that's what you hope. Pray for Anna to make her well. I'll do the same thing." Then Elsa left. The next day, Kristoff was told that Anna not going to make it. Kristoff gently took her hand and placed his head on her stomach and sobbed. Then a miracle happened. Anna's hand started to squeeze Kristoff's hand then her eyes flutter and she woke only to see Kristoff crying. Anna's heart sank to see Kristoff like this so she wrapped her arms around Kristoff who looked up. "Anna?" Kristoff gently stoke Anna's cheek. Then he gently smiled and hugged Anna. "Kristoff thanks for staying by my side." Anna said. A tear of joy rolled down Kristoff's cheek. "I love you." Then Anna hugged Kristoff again. "Your always by my side." Anna said with a tear rolling down her cheek. "I was worried Anna. I thought you won't make it." Said Kristoff. Anna placed her hand on Kristoff's cheek. "I'll always be with you." She said.

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