Whats Wrong?

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The window shook as the bitter sky outside wept, each snowflake delicately dancing with the winter's wind. Closing the shaking window frame, Anna wondered over to a chair next to the fireplace. By adding more wood, the fire crackled as they warmed the room. "It's a chilly one today" Anna spoke to herself, wrapping a shawl around her body as she stood once again, and wondered to the window. She gazed beyond the frosty glass pane, her eyes laying on the sunlight peeking cheekily through the mountain tops. A content smile on her face, Anna loses herself in the beauty of her kingdom during this season, a content smile placed on her young face. A small blow of crisp air fights through a gap in the wooden window frame, causing the princess to wrap her shawl around herself more tightly subconsciously. Her thoughts turn to her best friend and long term boyfriend, Kristoff. She can just imagine him on his way back from the lake, ice harvesting, probably tripping over something in the snow. A light giggle escapes Anna's lips at the thought of her clumsiness rubbing off on Kristoff. Speaking of which he should be home any second she thought, glancing at the clock. A few moments pass before the princess makes her way over to the comfort of the fireplace, occupying a nearby chair, thinking of Kristoff. Her thoughts were interrupted by the creak of the door as it slowly opens.
"Kristoff!" Anna yelled happily, rising from the chair and making her way towards the door.
"Hey you." Kristoff replied smiling, opening his arms out for a hug. Anna obeyed, practically jumping into his waiting embrace.
"I missed you." She told him, holding on tight before stepping backwards. "How was your day?" Anna asked, subconsciously pulling her shawl around herself tighter at the sudden loss of heat.

"Well it was-" Kristoff began before cutting himself off when noticing his girlfriend's actions.
"Anna! Are you cold? Do you need more blankets?" He fussed taking off his glove to feel the temperature of her cheek, his tone suddenly becoming panicked.

"Kristoff I'm fine, really I have blankets and the fire's fine. The window lets in a draft a little but-". Before she could finish Kristoff was already at the window.

"This window?" he asked in concern, trying to feel for the area responsible for letting in a breeze.

"What are you doin-"Anna was cut of once again by his voice.

"Ah ha!" Kristoff exclaimed with his hand resting on a particular crack in the wood. "Got ya!" he cried triumphantly as he crammed his glove into the split. Making sure it was completely filled; he raised his hand over the spot again. Satisfied no air was leaking through, he turned his attention back to Anna.

"Are you quite finished?" Anna asked him, her arms crossed with an amused expression on her face. Mistaking her crossed arms as a sigh of her being cold, Kristoff rushed over to her, quickly wrapping his arms around her shoulders and pulling her forward into a hug.

"Here, maybe my body heat will help. We don't want you getting cold because you can't get cold, you need to stay warm we-" he rambled, staring ahead as if in a panicked trance.

"Kristoff!" Anna interrupted, her voice muffled from being pushed against his body so tight. Freeing one of her arms, she placed a comforting hand on his cheek, forcing him to look at her. "What's wrong?" she asked, concern flowing from her voice.

"Nothing's wrong, I'm just checking you're ok" he shot back quietly, almost defensively.

"I've told you I'm fine, but obviously you're not. Tell me whats wrong. " Anna pleaded, hurt that he wasn't being the open door that he promised he would be.

"Anna please, nothing's wrong, I'm just checking that you're not cold" Kristoff pleaded in return, desperately wanting to drop the topic.

"But you're worrying. I mean, closing a gap in the window with your glove?! Wouldn't that worry you a little?" Anna reasoned, hoping that he would come to his senses and see her point.

"You wouldn't understand..." Kristoff mumbled, pulling away from Anna, looking down at the floor.

"What don't I understand?" Anna challenged, insulted slightly at his lack of faith in her.

"Please just leave it Anna" he begged, his voice rising as he grew frustrated as well.

"No, stop shutting me out! Tell me what's worrying you so much!" Anna matched the volume of his voice, determined to get her way.

Kristoff abruptly stopped and turned to Anna, shouting, "I COULDN'T SAVE YOU LAST TIME! Ok?!" he finished, breathing heavily at his outburst.

Anna's expression instantly softened as a silence engulfed the room. "I couldn't save you." Kristoff broke the silence softly before pausing. "Anna you were so cold, so lifeless in my arms and I couldn't do a thing to stop it. And then it was too late." Tears rolled down his eyes. "Kristoff..." Anna spoke quietly, her voice slightly shaking as tears threatened her eyes. "Hey," she placed a hand on his face, forcing him to look at her, "you're not going to lose me, ok? I promise". Kristoff's half smile encouraged her to try cheering him up, giving her the confidence that she could make him smile. "You're with me." she finished, causing him to chuckle and nod quietly. Anna hummed in agreement, leading in closer as Kristoff took the hint and captured his lips with hers. After a while, Kristoff pulled away breathless. "Well we have some serious time to fill." Anna added in almost a whisper. "Oh, I have some ideas..." Kristoff replied softly, once again capturing his lips in hers for another sweet kiss.

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