Chapter 6

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I ran out to get Bella, pants down, un-finished duty {if you know what I mean}. She looked up, eyes squinting, like she couldn't see. "Eddyward, there are 3 of you! See, one," she poked the side of my head. "two," she poked my left eye. "Three!" She poked my right eye. I got mad at her for poking me, I found it rude and obnoxious. I squirt my juice all over her, I took out my Capri Sun and squirt it all over. 

"Bad, bad Bella! Now go to class" I demanded. She got up and left, but with such a strong smell, everyone in the hall fainted. I pulled up my pants, flushed the toilet, and walked out.

After school, I went home to find my father taking out his anger on the forest. "NOOO!!!! Father! Get your fat butt over here before its gone!" Father walked over to me, head hanging low.  "Now, what gave you the idea to do that to the forest. You made it cry!"

Dad looked up at me "well, I already smashed the piano and your mother and my bedroom. There was nothing else to take my anger out on. Heh?"

"Not 'heh', do you have any, oh crap, you smashed mom AGAIN! Gosh, the next time you do, she'll be in pieces. Nevertheless she mot likely already is. Sir, young man, child, whatever you are, go to uhhh, hmm, the out house!" I scolded him. Dad walked over to the out house but fainted. I didn't feel a tiny bit bad, I had already used the out house. I ran in the check on mom. My sister, Mary, had already helped her.

I ran over to her. "Whatcha doin' here? This is ma house!" Mom was using a very weird voice, almost like a ghetto sounding voice.

"She thinks she a gangster now. She's been smashed too many times.'' I started laughing. Mary gave me a look that almost killed me.

"Help...I..Can't..." She stopped giving me the look. "Thank you"

"This is a serious matter Ed. Mom could be wearing those saggy pants in no time." Mary started to cry. "I don't like those pants, they make me cry, and they make fun of me and, oh! Just make mom normal again!"

Mary looked devastated. "Mary, mom will be fine." I smacked mom and she was fine. I think.

"Yippy yiy yay mama seta! Those horsies out there be a callin' my name!" Mom jumped up.

"NO!" Marry and I both yelled and we grabbed her to stop her from getting out.

"Yea." She said and walked away.

"Back door! GET THE BACK DOOR!!" I yelled at Mary. Then, I heard was sounded like a gun shot. "I stomped my foot repeatedly, "no, no, no, no! Ugh! I have to do all the work in this house"

I walked over to mom, ready to smash her so she's normal again. But she started speaking Spanish. "I'm done. I'll see y'all amigo's later" I walked out the house. But then I saw the gun, pointed at me.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 07, 2013 ⏰

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