New Moon time!!!!!

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"Bella! WE have to the vampire crap today! YES you have to come. I don't want to be lonely" I pointed my finger at her and gave her a glare. Oops I farted. Oh well.

"But Eddieward! I don't want to go." She put on a poutty face.

"BBBBBEEEELLLLLLLAAAAA!!!!! What did I just say you greedy kid?!" I replied.

She's getting on my nerves. Bella needs to watch it! "Fine. Ugh" she rolled her eyes at me. Then, she did the worst thing ever to do. SHE farted this time! It smelt awful!

"Oh Bella! What the heck was that?! I mean, mine are bad, but that was- oh my gosh we have to get out of here right now!'' I said. This was bad, very bad. She farted and that was awful, but now, I farted. I grabbed her hand then ran out of there! Who ever goes back there, may die. Being truthful!

I grabbed Bella's hand then ran with her. I guess she was okay now.

Later we went to the meeting. The dude running it was SCARY! He was talking about how I shouldn't be dating a non-vampire. Sucks to be me. Then he said if I continued dating her after three years disobeying his laws, he was going to rip off my head. Then he demenstrated it! He grabbed his head then a I covered Bella's eyes. I took a little bit off of her. Sucks to be her!

Then, he tried to take off his arm, but it failed because he couldn't see. I rann up to him. "HAHAHA!!!!! SUCK THAT!!!! I can see and you can't!!!" Iwiggled my butt in his face. "I hope you die because you can't see! Bye" Then I farted in his face and ran off. I saw his guards faint. I dude running the meeting fainted. Somewhat. Then- "NO BELLA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

Hey guys. Sorry this was so short. I have family so I will be on wattpad, but maybe not as much as usual. Plus I writing a seprate story for wattpad. SOOOOOO yea. See y'all later!

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