chapter 2

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Before note - So! I left y'all on a hanger! Now This chapter is going to be really funny I  hope. Comment and tell me if I should contiune! Thanks! Enjoy!

"It-it-it" I fell to the ground. Laughing. "You say musker?! I say cop! Ahahahaha! Musker!" I was laughing uncontrollably.

"Hey! Stop laughing. At least I don't use perfume after going to the bathroom.'' Bella said.

I stopped laughing and picked myself up. I apologized. We kept on talking but was stopped by a loud noise. My fart. She didn't know that! So I didn't say anything.

"Oh my... gosh... what is that... smell?!?!?!" Bella said.

I took Bella by the hand and ran with her. "All I have to say is that I feel bad for anybody that goes back there. Do not go back there! If you think odors are smexy there's one from me to you." I said.

We contiuned walking. By the end of the walk we ended up at my house, so I invitied her to dinner. When we walked in, the house was dark. No one home. Everyone gone. Echos were spreading around the house when we walked in. I walked into the kitchen. No one. I walked into the living room. No one. This was bad. Very bad. Espically since tonnight is a full moon! My parents NEVER leave our house! They could be gathering normal people. Every full moon, we gather normal humans and suck their yummy, juicy, warm, fizzy, aweseome, pop like, WHAT AM I SAYING?!?! I will not drink nobodies blood. Not tonight. Maybe tomorrow. We walked around upstairs and no one is here. Bella seem scared to be a vampire's house alone with another vampire. Calm the heck down you spaz! Gosh.

I took her hand. "Bella, your ok. My parents aren't here.'' All the sudden they all popped up.

"BOO!" They yelled. Bella ran screaming out of the house. Which meant that I had to go out and get her. She makes me do EVERYTHING! What a lazy person.

"Bella, those were my parents. Calm down!'' Fart! Oops, nothing happened. I have to get her out of here, or she may die from the smell! I thought.We ran into the house.

My father walked up to Bella and sniffed her. "Are you sure he's not the poodle?" Bella asked. No one in my family is a poodle. It was a lie. Bella is really gulable! Yes!

"BELLA! No one in my family is a poodle. It was a joke. Were all vampires! And so are you.'' I told her. Maybe she'll believe me that she's a vampire. I'd laugh my tiny little buttocks that can make a building explode off.

Bella started smiling and she acted like she put out her fangs. "I AM A FRICKING VAMPIRE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" She yelled. "I have fangs and you don't!" She pointed to my dad. He got angry and smashed the piano and the kitchen table and then, he smashed mom. Oh crap. Again dad?! Really, this is the fourth time today. Ugh.

I started laughing so hard then I scolded dad. "To your bedroom young freak! Right now! You are grounded. Mom, to the hospital room! Mary! Take her there!" I yelled at everyone but my new love forever. Bella. "Bella, get out of this room. Go to my room!" Now I feel lonely, no one is with me. Lonely forever because I'm bossy. Not again. I went out to the forest. "Suck this you forest! I'm an airplane!" I spread my arms out and started running around in circles and I know that the forest got jealous. I went inside to go to the bathroom. Other wise the back of my pants may turn brown. I got a magazine and went to the potty room. I was in there for 36 minutes. Hey, at least I have no stains on my pants from that. The bathroom conects to my room so I walked in and said "Bella, you may not want to go in the bathroom for a little while. You may break up with me if you saw what I can do in there.''

Bella and I hung out somemore and the we ate dinner and I made her leave. I pushed her out the door. I had the full moon tonight. I got ready, put on blush to make it look like I already drank some, then masacara. It was 8 o'clock and I started heading down to where we all gather. Everone else was waiting for me. I got a geek to suck on! Yes, my favorite! So excited. "Now, we are all here for the gathering of the full moon. We have some guests here to help us-" I cut the preacher off and yelled

"FART! I've got to fart!"

"Then fart son! Anyway, to help us have more fun. Now lets start the game off with Halley. Bite your partener and if she survived, it wasn't ment to be and she has to LEAVE! If she doesn't, she stays with US! Now Halley, start us off." It went around to my turn. I cracked my head then farted. I leaned over to bite him. I sunk my fangs in and the taste was wonderful. I kept on wanting more and more and more and more and more and more. But he ran out of blood and howled. What? He's a vampire, not a werewolf. Oh well. With that, I left. But then, I felt like I couldn't stand I got one last fart out then-

End note - another cliffhanger! How you liking it so far? Comment. I'll be editing this soon if I need to. Thanks! more to come! Hope you enjoy!

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