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Ethan's PoV

I woke up this morning and Alex wasn't in bed. I ran down stairs and he was cooking.
Has the house caught fire yet

E- hey baby what you doing so early

A- well I'm making breakfast. We need to go to school it's been a month in a half

E- are you sure you'll be ok to go back

A- hey I'm better now ok. I'm ready

E- ok I'm going to get ready then

A- hurry eggs are almost done.

I got ready heading down stairs again. He made some eggs with cheese and BACON

He ate real quick then ran up stairs and got ready. We got are stuff and headed to the car

Alex PoV

We arrived at the school

E- I'll see you at lunch baby. Meet by my locker for lunch k

A- ok love ya

E- luv you to

He gave me a quick peck on the lips then left

I went to my locker on the way there people kept telling and whispering things about me. Mostly the awful word fag.

When I got to my lock that's when it hit me. This is why I started cutting.

Fag was written nice and big on my locker. Then two guys cd up pushing me against my locker. They yanked up my sleeve

Bullie- so you already started. How bout you finish

He handed me a bladed and walked away as everyone laughed and said do it xo it's

I ran still holding the blade. I ran to the bathroom. I licked my self in a stall. At first I started at it then I started. I swiped it across my wrist around 10 times. I cleaned up and went to clas.

My teacher yelled at me then told me to sit. I sat down and realised a note takes to my pants. It read

Hey you loose enough yet

That was it I needed to go home. I walked out of the class ignoring the yelling teacher and ran home.

I ran to the bathroom getting a different blade   I went to the bed room. I wrote a note

Dear Ethan

I am sorry but I don't deserve you I don't deserve this life. I hope you understand.

I took the blade. I kept sliding it across my wrist over and over and over again.
After like 20 slits I was feeling dizzy. I did a few more then blacked out

I can finally do what the people want

Ethan's PoV

I was at my locker after lunch bell rang. When the late bell rang I knew something was wrong.
I ran to his locker and saw the word fag written across it.

On no. He's sinitive.

Bullie- hope your little gay ass boyfriend is dead

E- what did you do!

B- if you wNt him alive he may be at home

I ran as fast as I could out of school. I got in my car and drove home

I was terrified right now. I got home and ran to the bathroom. He was t in there but a box of blades was on the floor.

I ran to the room to see a figure in the ground
It was no figure. It was Alex!
I ran to his side and started crying. He was covered in blood and hardly breathing.

I quickly grabbed my phone dialling three numbers I never wanted to dial.

911- hello what's your emergency

E- um hi I need an ambulance at (some address I don't feel like making one up)
My boyfriend he's hardly breathing

911- ok we're in are way how long has he been like this and what happened

E- at school people started to harass him for being gay and gave him a blade to go kill him self. I drove home and found him like this

911- ok has he done this before

E- once but not bad Nd it's all because his parents disowned him when he told they he was gay.

911- ok they are almost there

E- thank you

After that I hung up and held Alex's had. Why out of all people does this happen to him. My baby. Why couldn't it have just been me!

He deserves none of this fricken mess. He has done nothing to deserve this. I was lost in thought then heard a knock

I ran down stairs then back up after letting them in

They followed up behind me

They got him in the gurney and took him to the we with me in the ambulance with him.

We got to the er and they made me stay in the waiting room. I was crying sitting on my own alone. It was now 8 pm and my mom called

M- Ethan were the heck are you and Alex. Is everything ok

E- I I'm at the um hospital because he tried ending his life because of fricken kids at school.

M- oh my gosh. I'm on my way

E- ok

I barely got ok out before hanging up and crying again.
About 20 minutes later o felt a hand on my shoulder. I took my hands of my face. It was my mom

M- hey sweety any news.

E- nnno not yet

M- calm down it's going to be ok

About an hour later the docter came out

Doc- so Alexander is in not necessarily critical but pretty bad shape. You can see him now though just be careful.

E- thank you so much sir

I ran to his room. I got in and was quiet. He has so many wires and machines connected to him. He had a breathing mask on so I guess his breathing isn't the greatest. But he's stable

I say there with his hand in mine. My mom bought food but I didn't take it. I'm not eating till he's up. I'm to scared and if I eat I'll just puke it up. I wouldn't make my self it would just happen.

I was so scared I didn't even want to go to sleep. My mom said I could stay but she had to leave because of work tomorrow.

I told her it was fine. But I'm not leaving his side till he's awake or better even. He's my everything. I'm not loosing him because of fricken bullies at school telling him to end it all.

All I know is I believe that he'll wake up. I know he will. He's strong. He's brave. He won't go this quickly.

I eventually fell asleep but it was 8 in the morning.

It's hard to sleep with doctors coming in and out of the room. I fell asleep still holding his hand. I will never let go

Hey sorry for not posting last couple days. I haven't really been up to it. Sorry I'm just struggling. But thank you for reading and pleSe vote and comment suggestions. Also if you don't already go follow EmberWriter   She rocks and is really cool. So yeah thank you bye

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