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Ethan's PoV

It's been a week since all this bs happened. My poor baby is still in a bed unconscious. He can breath on his own again now but I'm scared.

2 days ago I left to go pee and came back with doctors flooding the room and nurses taking me out of the room. I didn't know what was happening until they doc came back out telling me they almost lost him.

I broke down right there. I just sat against the wall and cryed.

But you know. How would you feel if your slowly losing the one that you love.

But doctors said he should be up on a few days if everything goes as planned.  

I sat there holding his hand as someone walked in. I didn't look up because I figured it was mom.

???- hello Ethan

I reconized the voice it's not mom

E- how the FCK did you get in here Kyle.

Kyle is the guy who did this.

K- oh just wanna finish things off.

Just then he closed and locked the door. I yelled for help

K- oh shut up fag.

He pushed me heading towards Alex.

I hll no.

I jumped on him making him fall sideways.

He started punching me as I screamed. I will get hurt if it means my baby stays safe.

He just kept punching me. A nurse ran to the door and screamed. She ran and I hope she's getting help. I'm feeling light headed.

I stopped screaming or struggling cause my body was going limp

All of a sudden I heard glass break and he was yanked off me.   I didn't know what was happening. My eyes were closed but I heard enough to know.

I heard your under arrest and you no.

Then I was lifted and on s bed. I was put in some room. Then I felt a wired tingling feeling in my hand. I'm guessing they put an Iv in.

All I heard is he needs rest blah blah he'll be fine.

About  probably 6 hours later I woke up to see my mom. I was kinda sore but not really that bad. 

M- oh sweety your up. You feel ok

E- yeah I'm fine how's Alex can I go back to him

As if on cue a doc walked in.

Doc- oh your awake. How's then pain

E- uh tad sore but that's it

Doc- you remember what happened.

E- yeah. Fricken Kyle the guy who stRted this mess came and attacked but Tryed attacking Alex but I protected him.

Doc- ok well you can get changed and go back to Alex. Here's the room number. We changed it since well the broken glass

E- k thanks.

I grabbed my close quickly running to his new room. I saw him in bed. He still had wires attached but not as many just a few now.

I was tired so I pulled up a chair and sat down. I grabbed his hand and fell asleep.

It's been a few days and I was asleep when all off a sudden I was awoken by twitching.
What the hll.

I lifted my head to see Alex moving a tad

All of a sudden his eyes cracked open

E- Alex

I whispered because I don't know what is going to happen.

A- Ethan wwjat happened

He was hardly speaking his voice sounded hoarse.

E- baby you tried to end your life. But I found you in enough time luckily. My mom found that note to. You are perfect and you do deserve me. Never forget

By this time he had tears in his eyes

A- I I'm so ssssorey. I never intended to hurt you.

E- hey it's ok calm down k. I love you

A- I love r you to

A doctor walked in as he finished saying I love you

Doc- your up. How do you feel Alex

A- very sore on my arms and they sting and I'm really hungry

Doc- can I ask why you did this. We want to make sure you aren't a harm to yourself

A- I never wanted to but people said I would be better of dead so my mind took over and I did it. I regret doing it though I really do and I never want to do it again

The doc write this on his board then said Alex would have to stay here at least one more day. I ran and got him food really quick

E- hungry

A- ooooooo foooooood

Oh gosh yep he's back

I handed him his food and he ate it fast but slow cause his arms hurt to move.

It was the next day and the got dressed. The doc came in changing his arm bandages. When he saw his arms he looked like he was about to cry. I walked over to him and hugged him as the doc finished.

We got his and my stuff and walked out to my car. I opened the door and he got in. I put his seat down so he could rest. I got in the drivers home and it took an hour to get home because of traffic.

When we got home I didn't want to wake him up but he woke up any way.

I opened his door letting him out and fixing the seat. We went inside and he layers in the recliner. It's a love seat recliner so I put in a movie and say with him

He snuggled in my chest. I accidentally bumped his arm

A- ow

He whispered it to try and hide it but I heard it
E- oop sorry baby didn't mean to

A- it's ok I know you didn't mean to.

E- hey I love you

A- I love you to

He leaned his head on my chest falling back to sleep. About an hour later I to fell asleep. This couch was definitely better than the chair in the hospital I slept in for like the past two weeks. But I don't care

All I care about is my baby being home alive and safe with me


Hey guys hope you enjoyed and yeah vote comment suggestions. Sorry if these aren't great. I haven't been able to put full effort in this. I have been working my but if to get this science fair project down. I have been posting late at night then passing out so I'm sorry but meh


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