Chapter 14- They're putting Hades out of business.

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"You know there is a much funner and much eisier way to do this." I say as I walk beside Percy, toward the school while Nico and Leo follow behind.

"Yeah and what would that be?" Percy asks, stopping abruptly in misstep and facing me.

"Erm illegally breaking in and stealing the Gems, Perce, much more fun." I grin.

"Look Raven." Percy puts on his serious face. "Yes we totally could do that and yeah i have to admit it would be fun but..."

"But what?" I urge.

Percy makes  sound of frustration. "Its so dam hard to explain." 

"Oh just try." I roll my eyes.

"Theres some kind of...oh how do i say it? time lock thing on the two gems. Obviously the thief, who stole the big three gems, needs Ares and Hephaestus' Gems after this week, two weeks before Christmas. Soooo...Urhg...We cant find the Gems until sunday because they wont appear unless we have been here a weeks notice and blar blar...i didn't explain that very well..." Percy rubs the back of his neck.

"Yeah you didn't but i sort of get it...but why cant we just-" I protest. Percy slaps his hand over my mouth.

"NO, NO and NO. No other plans will work. Chiron has already thought everything out and THIS is the plan, Raven Grey." Percy says sternly. I nod and roll my eyes again. 

"Got that?" He asks and i nod. "Good then...Now lets go to school." He flings his arm around Nico's sholdour, only to be shoved three feet away. 

"You look way to old to be in school, mate." Leo says.

"Yeah well...Mist." Percy pulls out a can of mist and winks. (Idk if mist can acually alter the age you look but for the sake of the story lets say it does.)

"I fucking hate this so fucking much." I groan looking down. Leo just laughs and puts his arm around my sholdours and i lean into his chest. He smelt of fire, which is hot AF.

I mentally stamped my foot because i could figure out what didn't feel right. Leo was perfect. He knows so much about me. How to comfort me, how to make me laugh, what i want in my future...Everything but my past. He doesn't need to know about that- no one needs to.

I shake my head to clear my thoughts and smile up at Leo, who smiles back.




"Perseus Jackson." Percy tells the office lady. 

"Oh yes here you are, see?" The office lady, Pam her name was, violently- although intentionally nice- shoves the clip board into Percy's face and bruising his nose. Leo and i snickered.

"Yes yes, thanks. I have your word on it." Percy says rubbing his nose.

 Nico and Leo got their things from Pam and i stepped up last. I leaned over the desk and whispered, "Avis Orion." My old name. Pam nods and sets down our time tables on the counter. 

"Um...Perseus Jakson in year 12 and you other thee in year 10." (This is definitely wrong calculations but meh..)

Quickly, as not to get attacked by violent old ladies with deadly clip boards, we grabbed our schedules and hurried off. 

"Okay so just because the Gems wont show up until sunday doesn't mean there wont be monsters around." Percy told us as we stood in a deserted corridor.

"We are all armed...okay i don't know what else to say just don't get into trouble, Raven i looking at you." Percy glares.

"Yeah well we've all been kicked out of schools more than once." I sigh. "At least i was alright at this one." I add. getting kicked out of schools never bothered me. I always knew that i was always bound to happen and i was always ready. This school i never got expelled from. My father made me move schools when my mom died so i moved from the primary school here to a different one where all the expulsions began. 

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