Chapter 7- Its to early for any SANE person to be awake

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I would like to thank @little--miss--mysic for leaving LOADS of comments and voting lots. You're the kind of person who people update for!!!! Thanks a trillion!!!!!

"Raven, wake the hell up!" A muffled voice shouts in my ear. I groan and pull my pillow over my head.

"Get up!" They hiss.

"Noooo." I groan.

I feel the blanket begging pulled off me and a pair of cold hands wrap around my waist and drag me out of bed, dumping me, face first, on the cold floor.

I decide to open my eyes. I can see the sun rising.

I scowl and turn over. Nico is standing over me, looking pissed.

"What?" I mumble.

"Get.Up.Now." He tells me through gritted teeth.

"Fine just get out of my cabin. I will meet you and Percy at Thalia's tree." I tell him, turning away and ushering with my hands.

I can just feel Nico rolling his eyes as he walks out. I dig through my clothes and produce my usual pair of faded and ripped skinny jeans. I throw on a loose plain grey t-shirt, black leather jacket and combat boots (Obviously black).

I glance in the mirror, which is something i haven't even bothered to do in a while.

My skin is olive, which is rare for someone born in Alaska. My eyes were still bright aqua, completed with long girly eyelashes. My lips are red and stand out to much against my skin. Faint freckles are scattered unevenly on my nose and cheeks.

I sigh and run my fingers through my hair, which i have been harshly neglecting when i came here. It is raven and dead straight, falling to my tail bone. The thickness of it feels as though it is weighing me down.

I exhale, loudly. Tapping my fingers on my thigh, I search for my backpack. Finding it hung on a hook in the bathroom, the most irrelevant place for it to be, i sling it over my right shoulder.

I open the door, about to walk out, when i hear two people clear their throats from behind me.

"Were you really going to leave with out saying good bye?" Thalia says, arms crossed and a fake serious expression on her face.

She still looks frightening when she is in her pyjamas and suffering from 'bed hair.' Jason looks like a mad man. His blonde hair is sticking up in every direction and he has little sheep on his Pj's.

I grin and hug them. I used to have a sister and lots of cousins before they all died, along with my beautiful mother. Jason and Thalia are the closest I'm going to get to real siblings again so i better make the most of it.

"Stay safe." Thalia stays, sternly.

"Yeah, i agree with Thalia. Make sure if you and Nico are going at it them use prote-" Jason starts but Thalia pinches him and tell him to shut up.

"I hate him, so don't think, in a million millennia's, that that is that going to ever happen." I say, with lots of eye rolling.

"Oh i just thought-" Jason begins again.

"Oh just shut up." Thalia and I say in unison.

We all laugh and i hug them again.

"But really, Be carful." Thalia Whispers.

I nod as i pull away. "I'll be fine."

"Good." They say, with their 'protective-sibling' faces on.




The sun is still rising when i go and grab a bread roll from the kitchen. No one is up and the camp is peaceful and quiet.

I feel someone put their hands over my eyes, from behind.

"Guess who?" They say.

"Leo, Duh." i mentally roll my eyes.

"You're no fun." Says Leo as he removes his hands and i turn around.

Leo is covered in ash and soot. His eyes hold the usual crazy light in them and you can practically see the clogs turning in his brain. He doesn't look like he changed out of his clothes form yesterday and his hair is in an even worse state than Jason's.

"Anyway..." He says and he gets down on one knee. I laugh as he lowers his head and holds his palms upward toward me. "For you m'lady."

In his hands sat a silver ring with a black stone, carved into a octagon, in the centre. I smiled and slipped the ring on my left hand middle finger.

"Now." Leo instructs me. "Press the stone."

I obey his orders and press the stone. Leo takes a step back as the ring transforms into Vivat, my sword. Leo has altered some things, from before. Due to the sword being old, he polished and sharped the blade and gave it a knew hilt. The new hilt was silver and at top of it sat the same black stone that occupied my ring. The vines and leaf designed were carved in black around the hilt. So overall Vivat had a shiny new and sharp Bronze blade and a black and silver hilt.

I grinned and hugged Leo. "I love it."

"Just press the stone and it was become the ring on your finger again...but that isn't all." He pulls away holing up his finger, signalling for me to wait.

He rummages through his tool belt and takes out a thin black belt. Around the edges were silver vines and leaves, to match my sword and daggers. Leo hands it to me, with Mortem and Gemini- my new daggers. (I just used the word 'daggers' so much just then. Sorry if this isn't so good, i am sooo sleep deprived...)

"A belt for your daggers." Leo explains. I strap the belt around my waist and stick Mortem and Gemini in the sheaths.

I look up at Leo, who has tears in his eyes.

"Be careful please?" He whispers as i wrap my arms around him. "I cant loose someone else precious. Promise you will come back just as you are now. A wonderful messed up bitch. Don't change. Promise me?"

"I promise." I whisper into his shoulder.

"Good." He smiles, perking up a bit. "And no funny business which death breath." He tells me.

"Ughh." I groan. "Why does everyone think there is some 'funny business' going on between us. I loathe him to the lowest of loathing." I say, ever so dramatically.

Leo laughs and slaps me on the back. "Yeah right. We'll see. Have fun! bring me back a head or some organ!" Leo shouts as i begin to walk to Thalias tree.

"I'll see what i can do." I shout back, smiling.

As i turn away from my happy friend i cant help but replay his words in my head.

'I cant loose someone else precious.'

Leo has a past. One that he refuses to share.

Part of me doesnt want to come back alive. It wants to go into an endless sleep out in the wild.

But another part of me has to fight.

I would come back for my best friend. Because he needs me.



Sorry there isn't much Nico in here. This was partly a filler although i did enjoy writing it.

Please leave comments about the quest and what you want to see happen.

Thanks a trillion!!!

Raven (Nico Di Angelo love story)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt