Chapter 2: The Funeral.

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Today is Natalie's funeral. It will be hard, especially for her parents, and for Sam. It's a gloomy Sunday morning, and I wasn't excited of what's to come. I ran into Sam's room and woke her up.

"Sam, time to get up and take a bath. Today's the day."

I helped Sam take a bath, and got her dressed in a black and white dress Danielle, Liam's girlfriend bought her. It looked absolutly perfect on her, and I wish Nat could be here with us, to see her in it.

On the way to the funeral, I explained some things to Sam. I explained how to act, and if I started crying, I'm okay, just very sad. She seemed to understand.



It was open casket, so I could see Natalie. She didn't even look like herself. Her regular plum lips and red cheeks were pale, and skinny. She didn't look good, and it hurt me to know that she died like this, in pain. I held Sam's hand and walked up to Natalie. Even though she didn't look like herself, she was still beautiful.

"Anything you want to say to mummy before they burry her, Sam?"

I watched as Sam looked at Natalie. "Mummy, I just want you to know I will never forget you. I love you so much." As my little girl was saying these things, tears started coming. I began to cry just as much as the day she passed. Sam turned to me and wiped my tears away and hugged me. "It will be okay daddy, we will be okay." A smile came to my face, hearing those words come from my five year old's mouth.

We took our seat next to Liam, Louis, Harry, and Zayn. I was sitting next Harry. The whole time Harry whispered reassuring things in my ear, which made me feel better.

When it was finally over, I made sure Sam was okay. Of course, she was. The boys came back to our house and hung out for a while. Sam then asked if we could watch some home videos.

"I don't know Sammy,"

"Why not, Louis? Pleeassee? I really want to hear Natalie's voice. She was one of my bestfriends too." Harry tried to reason with me, but I think it would be too much.

"Fine, You know where they are."

I could hear the boys and Sam rattling through the tapes looking for a good one. I just sat on the couch, trying not to think about her.

"This looks like a good one!" Zayn yelled.

"Okay, put it in then!" Niall screamed.

Zayn put the tape in the VCR and they all scrambled to get on the couch. Samantha sat next to me, lying on my lap.

As the video started, I knew exactly what it was. Nat's 19th Birthday Party. It was just a couple months after she was pregnant with Sam.

"Hey c'mon guys, just because I'm pregnant doesn't mean I can't partaayyy!" Natalie screamed over the loud music. We all laughed, remembering.

"Who was taking video?" I asked.

"Me!" Niall said, laughing.

I looked back at the video seeing me talking to Natalie.

"Niall, were you spying on us? I didn't know you were taking video of us!"

"Mayybee!" He said, still cracking up.

"Daddy, was I in mummy's tummy during this?"

"Yes, Sam, you were!"

Just then the camera zoomed in on me and Natalie, kinda snogging.

"Niall!" I covered Sam's eyes.

I continued to watch the video, while covering her eyes.

"Geez Louis, how long were you two snogging for?" Liam laughed.

"I don't remember, I just wish I could do it again."

"Sorry lad, I didn't mean to make you sad." Liam frowned at me.

"It's okay, but look at the time. It's time to get Sam in bed!" I uncovered her eyes to see she was sound asleep. I quietly carried her up to her room.





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