Chapter 7: Rehersals

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Chapter 7:

I woke up at 6 am. Too early, but I wasn't going to get anymore sleep, so I got up. Sam was probably still sleeping. She didn't wake up until around 8 am. I had two hours I myself.

My mind wondered to last night. That girl was so nice to me, when I was rude to her and ran away. Too bad her name was Natalie.

Then I remembered I had her number. Maybe I could text her- to apologize about everything.

So that's what I did. I texted her.

To Natalie: Hey, it's Louis, that weird guy you met last night.

I sent it. I would explain my apologies when, or if she texted back.

I made myself some coffee with the provided stuff in the hotel room. Usually it was shitty coffee, but it actually wasn't too bad. I leaned against the counter and felt my eyes slowly fall. Then, I heard a knock. Sammy was back!

I answered the door and saw a smiling Lou. Sam hugged me when she saw me. I smiled and hugged her back.

"How was she?" I asked.

"Good! Her and Lux and a fun time."

"I'm glad! Thanks a lot Lou, for watching her."

"No problem. See you tonight Louis."

"Bye. Thanks again."

I hugged her quickly before she left. I closed the door. When I looked over at Sam, she already had a room service menu in her hand.

I chuckled, "Hungry?"

She looked up at me with the menu in her hands, "Yes!"


We ended up ordering pancakes and sausage. Me and Sam's favourite.

The food got there quicker than I expected. Which was good, Sam and I were really hungry.

"Sammy, guess what?"

"What?" She said with a mouthful of pancakes.

"We get to go shopping today, before the awards ceremony to get you a dress!"

"A really pretty one?"

"Yes, a really pretty one. I have no idea where to go, or what to look for, so is it okay if you go with Danielle, Liam's girlfriend? I would come with, but I have Rehersals."

"No daddy, I know you don't want to go with! I can go with dani!"

I never understood how kids could have so much energy this early in the morning.

"Okay Sam! I'll call her right now. I think she's just a room over with Liam."

I picked up my phone and dialed Dani's number. She answered after the second ring.

"Hey, it's Louis, do you think you could maybe take Sam shopping for a dress to wear tonight?"

"Of course! I'd love to! I can't wait to have kids, hopefully it will be a little girl."

I smiled. Liam's a lucky guy. "Thanks so much Danielle. You can come over to our room in an hour. Is that okay?"

"That's perfect. Bye Louis."

"Bye Dani."

I hung up the phone and looked over at Sam. She had syrup smeared all over her face.

"Bathtime Samantha! You're going shopping with Dani in an hour!"

She got up and started stripping. Is everyone positive she's not Harry's?

"Gosh Sam! Let me get the water running first."


After Sam's bath, I blow dried her hair. I couldn't believe how long it was getting. It was identical to what Natalie's looked like. Dark brown and wavy.

Sam picked out her own outfit to go shopping. She has a very good fashion sense. She probably gets that from me.


Dani was there right on time to take Sam shopping. I could tell Sam was eager to get out and go, so I didn't talk to Danielle for long.


The boys and I had rehearsals in an hour so I had to get ready. I took a quick shower and threw on a T shirt and some jeans. Typical Tommo outfit.

I met the boys outside Harry's hotel room, like we planned. I was the first one there, surprisingly. I'm never early. The other boys finally arrived and we were ready to go to the place where the awards ceremony was to rehearse our song we were going to sing.

On the car ride there I began to become nervous. This was the first time in a while the boys and I would perform. What if I messed up and ruined it for everyone else?

"You okay Lou?" Zayn asked, I guess I was showing it on my face.

"Yeah, yeah." I brushed it off.


When we arrived there were paps everywhere. I hated them so much.

"Harry, Harry! How's you and Kendall?"

"Liam, are you and Dani breaking up?"

"Louis! Where's Sam? Already loose her without Natalie here?"

That mad me mad. Before I knew it I was punching the dumb twat in the face. I watched as he fell to the ground. I gave the finger to all the other paps.

"Leave us the fuck alone!" I screamed.

"Louis, settle down are you okay?" Harry asked.

"I'm fine, leave me alone." I snapped at him and turned my shoulder. Nothing could make me happy right now, except Natalie coming back.


Rehearsals went alright. It didn't help I was in a pissed off mood.

The car ride back was silent. Until Niall spoke, "Louis, are you okay? We all saw what happened. Those paps are twats. If you want to talk about anything, were here to listen."

"I'm fine."


Danielle and Sam weren't back yet. I was getting a little bit worried. What if the paps found them? I quickly texted Danielle.

Danielle: Yes, were great! We just had to go out to lunch after shopping. Sorry I didn't tell you.

She should really tell me where she's taking my fucking daughter. God dammit. I didn't respond the the text. I logged onto twitter. Hate messages already? Great. There was already an article headline.

'Louis Tomlinson punches pap in fury of talking about his dead girlfriend'

I read the article. Most of it were lies, and it made me sound like a complete arse. I looked through my mentions.

'@Louis_Tomlinson let go of your stupid girlfriend, she's not coming back.'

'@Louis_Tomlinson you're a terrible example to your daughter, she'll go around thinking it's okay to punch people!'

'@Louis_Tomlinson Natalie would be disappointed in you.'

Tears came down my face. Natalie would be disappointed in me. I was angry and sad at the same time.

I tried to get myself together before Sam got home.

"Be strong," I whispered to myself, "for Samantha."

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