The Audition

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I don't even know how long i was waiting until it was my turn to audition. But let me tell you...

It felt like years..

But once i got on the stage, i immediately wanted to go back outside.

My palms started sweating as my stomach was doing somersaults. What made it even worse was that the one i was auditioning for was The Luscious Lyon himself.

"Are you just going to stand there?" I hear Luscious say in a very annoyed voice.

"Oh..U..uh.. im so sorry!" I say stuttering. Great going Jade....
I'm just one big bundle of awesomeness.

"I'm just really nervous." I say trying to gain some understanding from Luscious but also being honest.

"If you are nervous then you shouldn't be here." Luscious says sounding irritated.

"Wha-" I start to say but I got cut off by Luscious.

"Empire is looking for artists that are confident, stars that know they are the shit no matter what people tell them. Cause trust me baby," Luscious starts as he sits up in his seat more to stare at me,
"People are gonna wanna see you fail in this business. They may even try to bring you down. But you can't let them intimidate you. Cause if you do, then they already got you. You have to believe in yourself or no one will. So either you believe you're the shit, or get off the stage cause you are wasting my time." He finishes as he sits back in his seat.

A wave of sadness rushed over my body as i begin to feel discouraged. Dang....

He's right.

Wanting to prove myself to Luscious and above all myself,
"I am the shit." I say with whatever confidence was left in my body.

"Then show me." Luscious says with a straight but determined face.

I take a deep breath to steady my voice as i play the instrumental to Halo by Beyonce on my phone.

I take another deep breath as i start to sing.

Remember those walls i built
Well baby they're tumbling down
They didn't even put up a fight
They didn't even make a sound

I found a way to let you in
But i never really had a doubt
Standing in the light of your halo
I've got my angle now

It's like I've been awaken
Every rule i had you breaking
It's the risk that I'm taking
I ain't never gonna shut you out

Everywhere I'm looking now
I'm surrounded by your embrace
Baby i can see your halo
You know you're my saving grace

You're everything i need and more
Is written all over your face
Baby i see your halo
I pray it won't fade away

Halo, Halo, Halo
I can see your halo
Halo, Halo,
I can see your halo
Halo, Halo
I can see your halo
Halo (ooh)....

As i was singing, i can't help but think about Mikey. He was my first true guy friend who soon became my best friend. He was always nice to me and he always made me laugh. There was never a day that he was mean to me, unlike my other fake friends who be mean to me on countless occasions.
He was the only one who truly believed in me and my talent.

To be honest, i dedicated this song to him.

I really like him a lot...
Maybe even love...

Here I go again getting caught up in my feelings, I thought to myself as i was singing. But it's good tho.
Cause the emotions i was feeling went into the song and made it ten times better.


I finished the song after harmonizing the last few notes together.

Realizing my eyes were closed, i quickly opened them to look at Luscious.

He had a smirk on his face which made me nervous. What is he thinking? Did he like it? Did he hate it?

"Gorgeous...." he says clapping, snapping me out of my thoughts.

"Really?" i say in shock.

"Yes! Baby you got it."

Luscious walks over to me. When he gets to me he points at me while saying, "That's what I'm talking about! I can't say anything officially yet but......

Welcome to Empire!"

"Oh my god! Are you serious?!" i ask Luscious shocked and unbelieving.

"Yes. But there are still more people to audition so I'm not gonna promise anything. But you are definitely my first choice." He says giving me a genuine smile.

"Thank you so much Luscious! So when do we know who gets the position?" I ask him anxious to see if i won.

"You will be contacted on the new artist by tomorrow.

"Alright. Thank you so much."I say before i walk out of the room with a big smile on my face.

Breaking into my happy dance, saying over and over again, "Go Jade! It's your birthday! It's your birthday! Go Jade!" i was earning a few strange stares from the people passing by and the other people auditioning.

I automatically stop making a fool of myself. Well, more than i already did.. But oh well!

As i walk towards the exit, i pull out my phone out of my jeans pants pocket to text Mikey that i finished with the audition and how did it go.

That is until i collide with someone, causing me to fall back on my butt. Jade you're just so embarrassing!

Author's Note:

Hey guys! Hope you are enjoying the story so far. So looks like Jade did really good on her audition. But her clumsy self made her bump into someone.

Who do u think it is?

Lol! Stay tuned for next chapter to find out.


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