Adventures To Perfection

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When i woke up, it was 6:00 a.m. the next day.

I was hella tired!

Mikey wasn't there when i woke up though. I mean i didn't expect him to be there. He must've went home...

Oh well..

I got up and went downstairs only to see Jasmine up, cooking breakfast in her bra and panties.

Wow... someone's comfortable..

I run up behind her and smack her butt, causing her to yelp.

"Put some goddamn clothes on!" i say then walk pass her.

"Bitch." she tells me rubbing the spot that i slapped.

"That's why you ain't getting no breakfast." she then adds before continuing cooking.

"Girl you in my house, using my stove, cooking my food, and telling me i'm not getting none.
That's a joke." i say fake laughing.

She replies to me with a look that said, Bet.

I ignore her foolishness and go to my room to grab my phone, before going back to the kitchen, and sitting down on one of the chairs by the table.

I looked at my screen and seen that i had a new message from Jamal.

I unlock my phone and open the message.
It read, "Look at what this fool done did....
The video has gone viral. Dad is pissed at him."
It was followed by a video.
I clicked on the video and watched it.

Oh my goodness...

I shake my head as i watch Hakeem make a fool of himself at a restaurant. He was talking about Tianna, pissed on the floor, started yelling at the other people in the restaurant, and then called the president Barack Obama a sellout...

Like seriously Hakeem?

"Oh my god.." i sigh as i put my head on the table.

"What happened?" Jasmine asks me as she puts the bread in the toaster.

I shake my head.
"Hakeem Lyon happened." i say as i walk up to her and show her the video.

"Hey that's the boy from yesterday that we seen with Tianna." she says in realization.

"Yup. Aka, the last son of Luscious Lyon....
He's so stupid.." i say running my hand over my hair.

The reason I'm so quick to rebuke him is because i know that Luscious is the one who is going to pay for his stupidity.

And it may even make Jamal and Andre look bad.

I then text Jamal back and let him know that i seen the video and that i hope everything goes ok.

He then calls my phone.
I pick up and he says, "Wow.. 12 hours later you reply...disrespectful.."

"I was sleeping, Jamal! I told you i haven't slept in mad long." i say half laughing.

"Well at least i know now that if I was dying, never call you for help." he laughs.

"Wow, Jamal. The first time i don't see a text from you, now I'm unreliable?"

I mean we haven't been texting for long but whatever.

"Nah you know I'm just playing with you, JB."

J.B.? Justin Bieber? ....

Ooohhh!! Jade Brooks!!

"Yo you coming in today?" Jamal asks me.

"Yeah! I mean i still have to practice with Cookie for my performance.
Speaking of that, is Cookie still plotting on how to get you on that stage with Hakeem?"

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