You Love Me?

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(The picture above is Mikey)

Mikey leans in.....

Ever so gently... he places his lips on mine..... as if he thought they would break if he kissed them too hard.

With a small yet sweet peck, he slowly pulls away and looks at

With my heart racing,
I didn't know what to do..
I was so shocked.
I just stared at him...

He folded his lips into a straight line, looking sad and disappointed.

"I'm sorry..." he says as he starts to pull away and walk to the front door.

I quickly grab his arm and pull him back.
Face to face, i look into his eyes and ask him a question.

"Why did you do that?" i whisper.

He looks me in my eyes...

"Because....i.....i love you.." he stutters causing my heart to melt.

This can't be happening....
My best friend who I've been in love with forever, says he loves me back.....
I must be dreaming.

"What..?" i breath out as my eyes water...

He grabs my face in his hands..

"I love you, Jade."

A tear slides down my cheek....

"Do you know how long I've been wanting to hear you say that?" i say truthfully...

"Really?" he asks.

I nod.

He lets out a breathy laugh before placing his lips back on mine.

I place my arms around his neck and pull him closer as our lips move in sync.
He puts his hands behind my head, in my hair.

His lips were so soft and moist.
I've been missing out!
I've never known kissing felt this good!

Out of breath, we pulled away and looked at each other.

All of a sudden we started laughing.

"Why are you laughing?" i say giggling.

"Why are YOU laughing?" he replies still chuckling.

I shake my head and smile.

"It's getting late." i say noticing the time itching to midnight.

"So you want me to leave?" he asks smirking.

I think about if for a moment..

"No. But i think you should. I have to go down to Empire tomorrow to talk to my soon to be manager and i need to go to sleep." i say placing my hands on his chest.

"Ok.." he sighs.

He leans in and kisses me one last time.
I felt the love and passion in the kiss as it sent tingles down my spine.

He pulls away smiling.

"Ight. I'll see you later, Jade." he says.

I walk Mikey to the door.
Just as i was about to close it, Mikey holds his hand out.

"Wait!" he says.

I hold the door open and look at him.

"Are we like, together now? Are we official?" Mikey asks.

I could see the hope in his eyes and i knew at that moment that he really wanted to be with me.......
As much as i wanted to be with him.

"That depends....." i start making him think.

Hopeless Love In The Music Industry (Jamal Lyon Love Story)Where stories live. Discover now