Father Of The Year

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I went with Cookie, Jamal, and Hakeem to the medical clinic to visit Andre. Cookie didn't really want me to go considering i wasn't apart of the family.

I understand that..

But she let me come anyway because Jamal was like, "She's just as concerned as we are. She might as well be family."

He persuaded Cookie for me....

To be honest, it's hard for me to hate him....

Despite how i've been acting towards him, he's still nice to me and does things for me.....

He's just too.................

When we got there, Andre was in a room sitting on a couch, with a very pretty black woman with short hair, and a old white man.

Cookie was standing to the side of the room on the phone.

"Luscious don't do this....." i hear Cookie say on the phone.

I walk up to Andre who was on the couch, and kneel down in front of him.

"Hey Andre..........are you ok?......" i ask hesitantly.

He looks down and shrugs.

I stand up as Hakeem and Jamal come over to him.

I feel bad for Andre and i don't even know what's wrong with him.

Cookie comes over and said that Luscious wasn't going to make it.

I'm really starting not to like Luscious very much....

"Should we go without him?" the other man in the room asks Andre.

Andre looks up with a dead face at the spot next to Cookie, where his father would have been sitting.

Sure....." he says softly with an upset face.

We started to discuss Andre's condition. We found out that he is bipolar......
The pretty black woman who was in the room said that it will be treated with music.

That is so stupid!

"How can a disorder be treated with music?" i ask.

"Music appeals to the senses and the emotions. It is a very effective form of treating the disorder." she says.

Cookie however disagreed with her.

"That's white people problems! My baby is going to be fine because he's a Lyon." she said before going over to Andre.

"Don't worry baby. You're gonna be fine. Your gonna sign over the IPO for Empire at your father's house, and we are gonna become a public trade company. This is all because of you. You made this happen, Dre." she says with a sad smile.

Andre didn't even look at her or say anything.

"He won't talk......" Cookie says starting to cry.

I feel really bad for all of them....
It must be really hard to watch someone you love and care about go through something that you can't do anything to help with......

Even though I'm not that close with Andre, i'm still worried for him.

I just can't imagine what i would do if it was someone who i am close with and love dearly......

Like Mikey, Jasmine,.........

or Jamal...........

After the doctors insisted we leave so they can get started with the treatment, i went to Empire.

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