First Day pt. 2

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Jamal's voice is so beautiful..
As he was singing, the words of the song really made me think about my parents.

Me and my parents have a..........
complicated relationship.

They never encouraged me to do good and it was like they didn't want me. They gave my little sister all the attention and they barely spoke to me. There were many days where i would cry feeling unloved, and many nights where that would be the only thing i did until i fell asleep. I don't even remember the last time they told me they loved me.
That was a very dark time for me.
Which is why i turned to music. Music was my release. It got to a point where i couldn't go a day without listening to music. This is the time where i started singing. And what made it worse was that i had a bunch of haters at school and fake ass bitches that said they were my friends but later stabbed me in my back.

I mostly kept to myself all the years of elementary and middle school. All i had was my older sister who i rarely seen since she lived in Florida.
That is until i met Mikey in high school....
He was the first genuine friend i had. He made life worth living. He made the nights where i would cry myself to sleep bearable. And since we became friends, those nights lessened and lessened.

I guess that's why I'm so in love with love.

It's cause i never had it....

I told Mikey about my troubles at home and he helped me through it. There were times were i even cried on his chest sobbing in his shirt.
But he never complained..
He would just hold me and tell me things would be alright.

He was the one who persuaded me to move out my parents house. And through it all, he was there....

Always there...

Jamal came to a part in the song where he sang,

Cause it's the same old damn song And you call yourself a father.

A tear slid down my cheek...

I quickly wipe it away before Michael or Becky could see.
But they wouldn't cause they were too busy dancing to the music and watching Jamal's performance.

I guess Jamal has problems with his parents too. I would love to talk to him about it.
Even though i just met him a day ago, i feel like i could talk to him about anything.

He just gives off that vibe you know?...

When Jamal finished up the song with the last chorus, the crowd, including myself, applauded and cheered.

Jamal smiled and got off the stage.

"That was great, Jamal!" I exclaim while hugging him.

He smells so good.....

I felt his muscles under his shirt..


"Thank you." he says with a smile.

"Yeah Jamal you killed it!" Becky adds.

Jamal then hugs Becky and Michael.

"Good job, babe." Michael says to Jamal.

Wait a minute......

Is Michael gay?
I mean i wouldn't be surprised. He does act a little feminine...

"Thanks babe." Jamal replies back to him.......................................

Woah. Am i missing something?

Jamal then looks over to his right at something and says he'll be right back. He then walks away into the crowd. I continue to look at where he was going until i see him walk up to a woman and hug her. They both then disappear into the crowd.

Hopeless Love In The Music Industry (Jamal Lyon Love Story)Where stories live. Discover now