The Encounter

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I'm so sorry!" I say to the person i bumped into, yet not seeing who it is.

"No it's my fault. I wasn't looking where i was going." the person said offering me a hand. I could tell by the voice that it was a man.
I take his hand and he pulls me up.
When he pulled me up, i got to see his face.

He had the most prettiest brown eyes and the clearest caramel colored skin.

"Are you ok?" He says looking at me.

"Uh..yeah I'm fine. Thanks" i say mesmerized by his beauty.

I blush as he smiles showing his beautiful white teeth as he runs his hand over my curly hair and fixes it.

God.. he's gorgeous.

"Thank you." i say smiling back at him showing all my teeth.

"Who are you, by the way? I've never seen you around Empire before." he asks me.

"Oh, I'm Jade Brooks. I was here to audition for the new Empire artist. I was just leaving when i bumped into you."

"Oh. So how did you do?"

"Well......" i start off pretending that was sad, but then squealing out very excitedly,

"He said i am his first choice!!!"

"Wow! Congratulations!
Wait... He?... He who?" he states confused.

"Luscious Lyon." i say proudly.

"Oh.." he says, his smile slowly dropping.

"What's wrong?" i ask him worryingly.
" Do you not like Luscious?"

"Lets just say that me and my dad are not exactly your typical father-son relationship" He states disappointed.

"Wait. Luscious is your dad?" i asked shocked. Having a multi-talented superstar, and the owner of the biggest music company as your dad must be bliss!

"Yeah......" He trails off.
He then says, "Well i got to go but i hope you become the new artist of Empire so we can hang some more. You seem pretty cool." he said smiling his million dollar smile.

Lord Jesus! This boy is flawless!

Blushing, i reply "Yeah. I hope so too.... You don't seem too bad yourself." I say as i poke his chest.

There goes my horrible attempt at flirting.......

He laughs as we say our final goodbyes.
Just as we walked away from each other, i remembered something.

"Wait!" i yell turning back at him.

He turns around and looks at me with a curious look.

"I never got your name." i say eager to know the identity of my future husband.

Lol! Just kidding!

No I'm not.


"It's Jamal." he says with a smile before turning back and continuing walking.

Hmmm.....Jamal.... Gotta remember that name.

When i got home, it was 3:45. I plopped down on the couch, exhausted. I did get up at the crack ass of dawn and sing my heart out (literally) to the most famous music star.

(sigh)..What a day...

I live by myself. Even though I'm only 20, i took the first chance i could to get out of my parents house. I couldn't take it. They were driving me crazy!!!

But, the good thing about living by yourself is no rules, no curfews, just you doing what you want.

I switched on the T.V. and watched Spongebob (don't judge me) until i fell asleep.

I woke up at about 8:00.

Oh shit.
I forgot to call Mikey!

I quickly start searching for my phone...

It is now ten o' clock, my house is upside down,


Where could it be? I know i had it at Empire, but I'm not sure if i came home with it.....

Damn it!!

I call Mikey from the house phone.

"Hey best friend. I haven't heard from you all day! I called you like 10 times on your cell phone. Wassup?" he says worried on the other end of the phone.

"Sorry Mikey. I think i lost my phone.

"Aww.. that's too bad.. i hope you find it....But anyway, i called to find out how did the audition go?"

I then started telling Mikey about the audition and how i was very nervous cause i was auditioning for Luscious himself, and how Luscious gave me that very .... umm.... interesting speech.
I then told him what was Luscious' reaction after i finished and blah blah blah........

What i didn't tell him was about how i met the most flawless man i have ever seen...

He doesn't need to know that.

I'll save that conversation for my best sister.

After i finished talking to Mikey, it was 11:00.
I then took a shower and put on some boy shorts panties and a tank top and slid into my king size bed.
I layed on my big fluffy pillow and stared at the ceiling of my room until i fell asleep.

But i can't lie and say that didn't think about Jamal before i did.

That boy is just........

F L A W L E S S!!
Goddamn Goddamn GODDAMN!!

Authors Note:

Hey guys! Hope you enjoyed this chapter. She has finally met Jamal and as you can see,
She is starstruck! I mean i don't blame her.. Lol.

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