The Rising Of New Problems

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I was standing in the kitchen cooking breakfast.

The bacon was frying in one pan, the eggs in the other, and the pancakes in the next.

"I smell BACON!!!" Jasmine shouts as she jumps down the stairs.

"You should've busted your ass." i say.

"Perhaps." she shrugs.

"Are you still drunk?" i ask her.

"I didn't get drunk. I got a little tipsy. I knew i was at your job's event so i didn't get totally wasted. I had control."

"For the first time in forever!" i sing from "Frozen", teasing her as she tells me to shut up.

She comes over to me, leans in, and inhales.

"Ahh......the sweet smell of a hard working woman." she then says.

I laugh.
"Are you trying to say i stink?"


I raise my arms up and sniff my armpits.

Onion and garlic chips...

"Oh my God! I do stink! I gotta take a shower. Finish the food for me. " i say as i run upstairs to my room.

Mikey was still asleep in my bed, on his side. 

He looked so cute and peaceful.

I kissed his cheek and then hopped in the shower.

When i finished, i wrapped my towel around me, and walked out the bathroom into my room.
Luckily, Mikey wasn't in there......

I locked my door and got dressed.

My hair is back curly since it got wet in the shower.

It was good while it lasted!

I put on a pair of shorts and a
t-shirt and put my hair up in a high ponytail.

I'm not planning on coming in to Empire today so I'm just gonna lay around the house and chill.

Plus i don't wanna see Jamal.

When i reach downstairs, i seen Mikey and Jasmine sitting at the table eating their breakfast.

"Jade why you ain't tell me you and Mikey had a little sleep over." she smirks.

I ignore her as i grab my food off of the counter, and take a seat with them the table.

"Morning babe." Mikey says as he kissed my cheek.

"Morning." i reply with a smile.

"Did y'all have sex?" Jasmine blurts out.

Mikey smiled and blushed.

I looked at her like she was crazy.

"No! What the hell is wrong with you?"

"I was just asking..... Good girl. Don't do it yet. You're too young." she says to me before turning to Mikey.
"And you, don't pressure her into doing anything she isn't ready for. Cause i will chop your balls off."

"I will never do that. I love her too much." he says looking at me.

I smile.

Just then i hear my phone ring.
I go into the kitchen and grab my phone off of the counter to see that it was Cookie.

I pick up the phone.

"Hey Cookie." i say.

"Jade we need you at Empire. We're at war. Luscious' enemy Billy Beretti is trying to take down Empire by taking our artists. We need you here to help us." she says on the other end.

Hopeless Love In The Music Industry (Jamal Lyon Love Story)Where stories live. Discover now