A Little Too Much

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I head down to Empire to let Cookie hear my song.

I have so many things on my mind right now.


"Why would he think that?" i ask curious about the answer.

He was silent for a moment.

He looked at me.

"Cause i was....."

My breath caught in my throat.

I look away from Jamal.

"So what are you saying?...." i ask.

"I'm saying that....
I don't know how, or why, but i can't get you out of my head.
I think about you more than i thought about Michael. I have these very confusing, and very forbidden thoughts about you that i feel really guilty for and they drive me crazy!" he says raising his voice frustrated.

"It's just........ i think i may have feelings towards you?" he says in a questioning way.

I think he was questioning himself. Like he was asking himself for an answer.

"What kind of feelings?...." i ask softly dreading the answer.

"I'm not sure....
but i know that those feelings are  making me want to be with you............."


I let it sink in for a moment before i decide that i needed to go.

"I can't hear this right now....
I have to go...
I'm sorry..." i say as i rush out of my house.

(End Of Flashback)

I can't believe that Jamal said that he had feelings for me.

I had to get out of there asap.

The reason why I'm so troubled by what Jamal said is because......
i know that i have feelings for Jamal also.

It makes me feel so guilty because i'm with Mikey.

I love Mikey so much.
And Lord knows i do not want to do anything to hurt him.

But my feelings for Jamal do not seem to be going anywhere.....

I just need some time by myself to think things through. Maybe after i make Cookie hear this song, i could go somewhere to be alone.


When i reach by Empire, i see them putting up cardboard cut outs of Jamal and Hakeem for their big performance at Leviticus.

I call Cookie to see where she was.

"I'm busy right now with Elle." she says.

"Alright. Well when you're done can you hear my song. It's practically done but i need your feedback."

"Alright baby."

"Ok. Thanks."

I hang up the phone and proceed inside the building. I then walk to the elevator.
When i get there, i see Becky and Malcolm the new security guard that Luscious hired.

I know that Cookie has a thing for Malcolm.
It's obvious.

"Hey Becky. Hey Malcolm." i say to them.

"Hey Jade." Becky says.

"Good morning Ms. Brooks." Malcolm says.

Always with the formal greetings....

Hopeless Love In The Music Industry (Jamal Lyon Love Story)Where stories live. Discover now