Till Death ₪ III

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Warning - Typos will be very frequent from this point on. I give up trying to edit its hard to focus and dedicate time. I'll just prolong it and I don't want to do that. It's 50 parts to this bruh, that's a lot to edit especially since it's 3 books before this I already did. Sorry!


As the days grow, my decision to throw away everything I work for does as well .  I'm giving myself some more time but everything adds up, Chris is doing hella promos and I work from sun up to sun down . I don't like the idea of sending my kids to spend a whole day with my parents or his mom, why should I do that when they have their momma to take care of them ? I don't want this life anymore, I want to be home more often, I want to be able to make love to my husband more often . Time ain't on my side anymore, I need to get it together . Tonight though I gave my parents and his mom a break, I asked Keeis to do me this favor of keeping them for the night . I need my time with Chris and I can't get that with four damn kids running throughout the night, it's even harder to get it in at night cause I always have a feeling one them is awake . Mijo already knocked on the door trying to come in our room while we was getting it in, there shall be no interruptions tonight .

"You going to pick them up tomorrow right ?" Keeis questioned for the 5th time

"Yes, of course . You ain't scared is you ?"

"Me scared ? Hell no, it ain't nothing . I'm just messing around, have a good time . Be here first thing in the morning to pick they asses up ."

I laughed "Keeis, if it's a problem I'll find somebody else to look after them ."

"I'm playing, go head I got everything ."

"You sure ? Cause you scaring me now, I don't play around when it comes to my kids ."

"Go get that back worked out, I got them ."

I laughed as my face turned red "Thank you, I appreciate it ."

"Anytime Slim ."

"Behave yourselves, you know what's going to happen when you start acting up ."

"Mama, I don't want you to leave ." Josiah said hugging on to my leg

"Josiah, you don't see anybody else wanting to come with me . You'll be fine ."

"I want you to stay ."

"I'm coming back for you ."

"How long you going to be gone ?"

"Josiah, I will come back tomorrow . You give Uncle Keeis any problems and you going to get it from daddy, you want that to happen ?"

"Noooo ."

"Then go be a good boy, I'll be back . Gimme kiss ."

He puckered up his little lips and gave me the sweetest kiss, they all did . I rushed home to go get in bed with my man, I wanted to make this night special for him . I hopped in the shower and cut off all the power to the house, no phone calls, no distractions . I lit candles up around the room, had incense  illuminating the room, I even put on crotchless panties for him .

"Brielle, what the hell happen to the lights ?" I heard him call from downstairs when he entered the house "Where you at ?"

"I'm in the room !" I shouted

"What the hell going - - oh, I see now ." he smiled big once he saw the room and an camera set up on the side

"Don't let the romantic candles fool you, you said you want it nasty and that's what you going to get ."

Till Death : ( Chris Brown Story )Where stories live. Discover now