Till Death ₪ XLII

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As bad as I wanted to wake up again and lay next to my wife, every time I opened my eyes I was stuck in that same hospital bed . Only good coming from this is that I don't have to have surgery on my leg, I don't want to be on pain killers after I leave and I know that's what Brielle is afraid for too . But it knocks the pain, I'm going to need it . I just want to go home, I'm tired of looking up at the celing .

"I couldn't sleep last night, I wanted to stay here with you ."

"Brielle, don't worry about me . I was alright, if you would have slept here you would have woke up with the worse back pain . You don't need that right now, I want you to be comfortable as possible in your last stage ."

"Mr. Brown, your dinner arrive ." the nurse said

"Thanks Yvette, my wife got it though ."

"Hell no, we going to need to get you a new nurse ." Brielle said after she walked out

I laughed and it hurt so bad "My baby jealous ?"

"Of that trick ? I ain't even phased, but if somebody going to be feeding you it's me ." she said taking off the top, cutting my meal up feeding it to me

She didn't stop till I cleaned the plate, stayed behind and helped me to the walker so I could try and walk through the hallways of the hospital . I wasn't as ready as I thought, halfway down I needed a wheel chair cause I was tired and couldn't go no further .

"Don't worry baby, you'll get it ." she encouraged

"I couldn't even get all the way down the hallway ."

"Chris it's going to take a while, it's not just going to happen over night ."

"Don't you think I know that ?"

"Right now I don't think you know who you talking to, I'm just saying baby . Your leg is going to take a while to heal, it'll be strong again ."

"Brielle, please I don't wanna hear no motivational shit ."

"Why you being nasty ?"

"Leave it alone, I'm tired anyway ." I sad trying to get myself out the wheelchair and into the bed

As I tried to get up on the bed, I put pressure on my leg . Brielle tried to help me up .

"Move, I got it ."

"Don't turn into those I can do it myself niggas, please don't . I can see where this going ."

"Brielle, watch out ." I said trying again shifting leg but I ended up putting the weight back on trying to throw my leg on the bed this shit hurt

"Here ." she said pushing me up

"I said I had it !"

"You right Chris, you got everything ." she said in a sarcastic tone

Moments later, I had to go to the bathroom . I didn't want to ask her for help though, I couldn't walk it on my own . If I didn't have a cracked rib then I could do it, I'm in so much fucking pain . Waiting till she left made me damn near piss myself .

"Your wife is pretty ." Yvette said

"That's my baby ."

"I see you have one on the way, can I know the sex or is it private ?"

"It's a boy, Christopher to be exact ." I said warmly

She smiled "Awe a Jr. that's cute, he going to look like his daddy . Freckles and all ."

"Hopefully right ." I said still feeling warm

"Are you ready for your therapy ?"

"I really don't want to go, I did a little on my own . I couldn't do it, I need rest ."

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