Welcome to My Life

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Potential Fifth Installment to the Free Run series, there is no promises to an update. Posting this chapter just to see how well is does in numbers and if it's worth posting.


Giving my all in a session I lost track of time. I wasn't going to stop now, I'm very close to my nut. My hand tightened around her hips, I was banging the shit out of her. Nails dug into the sheets, sweat dropped and her back, her moans played like music in the empty house.

"Damnnnnn, Chris don't stop!"

Just as much as I was loving this, she was loving this even more.

"Turn that ass around and take this mouth full!" I demanded.

As I directed she took me into her mouth, tightening that jaw just right. After a few licky licks, I exploded in her mouth. Right on time as my phone began to blow up.

"Damn, I'm late for this meeting!" I complained as sweat beat down my chest.

"You coming back later baby?"

"Yeah, shouldn't take long. Shower or no shower? Huh, shower or no?" Urgently asking.

"If you want to go a little dirty go head, it's not a big meeting is it?"


"Then take your funky butt on, when you come back we can shower together!"

"Mmmm, I like the sound of that. Alright, I'll see you babe."

With a quick wardrobe change, I raced downtown to the office. Parking my car, I ran into the elevator getting down to my needed floor.

"You're late," Brielle greeted with the lawyers.

"My bad, had last minute business."

"Congratulations is in order," our lawyers both said presenting us with a bottle of champagne. "You two have been on a long journey, were both happy to say that journey is now over! Your divorce is now finalized! To celebrate, we'll leave you two to celebrate on your own."

"Can't believe it's finally done!" Brielle smiled.

"Brielle you have your copies of notary," her lawyer mentioned. "If you need anything else you know how to reach me. It was a pleasure, enjoy the bottle."

"Chris, let me just grab your copies. I'll be right back." My lawyers said bed leaving.

Alone at last Brielle popped open the bottle of champagne. Happiness was all over her, she looked beautiful as always.

"To a new and improved friendship, may co-parenting be smooth sailing as we get through this adjustment Mr. Brown!" She raised her glass up.

"May you have the happiness and joy you wanted all this time, I wish you the best Ms. Brown."

"Uh eh," Brielle took a sip from her glass. "That's Ms. Carter now baby!"

"Nah, that's still Brown. You haven't done a name change yet."

"Not yet but it's coming!"

"Come on, give me a hug. You can at least do that. After leaving me and trying to leave my name behind too."

"Thanks, but no thanks. Your last minute business you was handling, yeah, that's code for you was fucking. Nobody stupid!"

I laughed, "Why couldn't I be handling business?"

"Come on Chris, we ain't been divorced all of five minutes and you already lying."

"Alright, alright. I didn't mean to run late with that, I lost track of time."

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