Till Death ₪ XXV

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"Daddy, I wanna play !" Ava said

"Daddy, I'm hungry !" Josiah said

"Daddy, I want some juice !" Caeden said

"Daddy, X just peed in the hallway ." Mijo shouted

"Everybody, chill out . Give me 5 minutes, daddy can only do one thing at a time ."

Brielle gave me one day with the kids by myself to get our time in before I head to jail, she's rewarding me by letting me go to the strip club tonight as long as I be home by 1 . My lawyer told me this booking could take from 30 minutes to a couple of days . I ain't trying to sleep here but till then, I'm going to get a special daddy day . I haven't had one of these in a minute, I forgot how hard it is managing four damn kids by myself . I still wouldn't give this up for nothing, daddy day has begun .

I punished X and cleaned up his piss, it really wasn't his fault . He's been barking for the last half hour to go out, Brielle isn't here and I been busy this whole time so I blocked him out . I served up lunch and knocked out Josiah's needs, feeding all of them at the same damn time . Caeden had his juice, now I can play with my baby girl . We sat in the living room so I could watch all of them, we played with her Barbies and she had me dress up like a little princess .

"Why I got to be a girl doll, why can't I be a boy doll ?"

"Cause, it's my game and I say you going to be a girl !"

"Alright, I'll be a girl then . What's my name ?"

"Ughhh, daddy ."

"I can't be a girl name daddy, what's the doll girl name ?"

"Chrissy !"

I smiled "What's your name ?"

"Brielle, let's play daddy you start ."

I turned on my girl voice, she couldn't even focus cause she was too busy laughing at me "You sure got a pretty name, I know a very pretty girl with that name ."

"You do ?" she said talking through her doll

"Mmm hmm, girl she is all of that . I'm jealous, she got a fine man with a lot of tattoos . You heard of him ?"

"No, who is he ?"

"Child, his name Chris Brown . Girl he is so fine, I'm jealous of her . That Brielle girl is so cute, she got a daughter whose even cuter !"

"What's her name ?"

"Ava, girl she got the most beautiful eyes that I ever seen . She look like her mommy, but she love her daddy like nothing in this world ."

"She do, I didn't think so ."

"Really ? Cause that little girl always calling for her daddy, cause her daddy is her favorite . Don't tell nobody girl, but I heard she love her daddy more then her mommy ."

Ava put her doll down "Daddy that's not true I love you and mommy the same !" she corrected me

I laughed "I know baby I'm playing ."

"Daddy, come on let's play games !" Mijo and Caeden said

"Let's all play together, we going to do something that we can all do ." I said trying to create equality

We went in the backyard and started playing games like freeze tag, red light, green light . Things that I can have them playing together, Ava is just starting out wanting to do things with her brothers . They so used to pushing, shoving, and wrestling that they don't know how to handle a girl . I need to do things that's going to have them be together and have fun without being separate, I'm also working towards wearing them down for a nap, when they knock out I'm knocking out too . I packed them all up in the car and we went to the mall, big mistake . I only have two hands and four kids, damn near lost one of them today . I brought them some toys, whatever they wanted I didn't care what it is I owe this to them for the bullshit I put them through . Brielle isn't the only one who went through some shit, I lied to my kids too and sometimes couldn't even play with them because I was too high . They deserve something out of this, I'm giving my kids what the should have gotten . An honest sober daddy .

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