Till Death ₪ XXXIX

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"Chris, it's my - ." I woke up to a M.I.A husband

It was a note on the bed .

Good morning, today is all about you baby . I knew your sleeping beauty ass wouldn't be waking up early, that's why I arranged for you to have afternoon full of pampering . Get up, wash the drool off the side of your face, and get dressed . There's a driver downstairs, waiting to take you to a spa . There you will find what needs to be done next .

I smiled sprung my ass out the bed, walked out all natural since they going to be putting hot towels and shit on my face . I seen the driver holding up a sign with my name on it, I hopped in the car and off we went . He told me in spanish I was very lucky to have such a wonderful man willing to do special cute things for me on my birthday . Either his ass was working hard for a couple extra dollars or he knew just like I did how special my baby really is . When I got to the spa I asked to them not to touch me on certain spot of my body, my favorite treatment is always the avocado mask, hot rocks, and sana rooms . I felt like a queen, nothing excites me more than getting pampered . Once my session was over, some woman handed me another note .

Now that you had someone work out the rest of the kinks in that back, it's time to look good for your day . You always do what you can to change your look, if I never say anything trust me when I say I notice . You wouldn't have to put on makeup to make my day, cause I think you're all around beautiful without it . Knowing you, you're probably saying I'm lying . With or without, you still have all eyes on you head back to the hotel to finish getting groomed .

I hustled my ass back in that car, it was a new driver driving a different style car . Vintage like the one Chris and I arrived in, when I walked into our room there was my hairstylist and nail person I see in Cali .

"What the hell you guys doing here ?"

"Chris knows you only let a certain person touch the head, he flew us out here to get you right ."

"You know damn well, I'm the only one who can work them small ass hands you got ."

I smiled "This is crazy ."

"Come on birthday girl, imma have you looking nice ."

Towanda did my hair and Kiki worked my nails, Kiki is also responsible for my makeup . This is so damn sweet of Chris, I can't believe he's doing this . It took about two hours to get down, the sun was starting to set and I still haven't laid eyes on the one responsible for this . After they finished I stepped into the bathroom to check myself out, when I walked out they was gone . Another not laid on the bed .

Not everybody in your book can work some hair like Towanda, they were both only just the beginning of what's to come next . I know you haven't eaten all day, don't worry I'll take care of that too . Peek in the closet and put on what I got for you, go downstairs and head to your last destination .

I changed into the white silk train dress, it was beautiful looked close to that one I saw with Chyna . He had jewelry and everything for me to put on, once I placed on my heels I was ready to go . The car and driver changed, it was a vintage stretch limo . Something that would see in the 20's, I couldn't wait to see him I was grinning ear to ear as the car came to a slow approach . My feet touched red pedals as I walked along the beach, around the corner Chris was waiting for me . I started crying dapping my eyes trying not to ruin my makeup, there he was standing with a minister dressed with a white tux on . Not only him, but Mijo, Caeden, Josiah, and Ava . My parents, his mother, and Chyna . Ava walked over to me kissing me on the cheek, dropping more flowers to her feet . Mijo came and grabbed my arm, walking me down standing in to give me away to his father .

"Bet you wasn't expecting nothing like this ." he smiled grabbing my hands

"No, I didn't ." I smiled wiping my eyes

"Even though our wedding was everything and more, I wanted to take you back down to do everything right . We wanted to have it private, but none of this would be possible without them . You didn't even notice your ring was gone did you ?"

I looked down to see it wasn't on my finger "I can't believe you do this ."

"I'll do it all over again if I have to ."

"It is to my understanding the couple has vows for one another, Brielle ." the minister gestured for me to start

"All week, I've been writing poems about you . Reminiscing on how I first got you, it's crazy that the one person I never wanted is the same person I never want to let go of . You are far from perfect and so I am, but together we make others wish that they had our special something . Four years ago today is when it all started, you chased me till you got exactly what you wanted . A woman who will always stand by your side no matter what, protecting you when you have no where else to hide . I'll love you till I can't love you anymore, I'll always be here when you walk through the door . It is you, who made me who I am . Everyday I thank you, for always being there to hold my man . Eternity is the only life sentence I'll take, waking up to you I know my days will be okay ."

He kissed me prematurely "Son, we haven't gotten to that part yet ." the minister corrected him

"We were never suppose to catch feelings for each other, but I was the first one to give in . When we wrote that song together, it was something that stuck out and since then these words have followed me around . You quoted, forget about you past learn for yourself and really take it in cause before you know it, it's me and you till the end ." I laughed as he recite that old song we wrote together "After that song was made, Mijo was made seconds later ." everyone laughed except the kids not getting the adult joke "You made me forget about everything I had going on that failed in my life, I took in a girl and son without no sense of direction . I learned that nothing mattered to me if I didn't have you two to come home to, ever since then it's been you and me to the end . I made timeless amout of mistakes in my life, you always been there to bring me back up ." he paused getting chocked up and emotional "If it wasn't for you, I would probably be dead right now . You saved me from my own harm, I would be stupid not to owe this night to you . You mean everything to me, I take literal meaning to the expression without you there is no me . I'll love you for the rest of my life, Brielle Nala Brown ."

"The rings please ."

I turned around and took the ring from Mijo "You look beautiful mommy ." he whispered in my ear, I kissed him on the cheek . Chris turned to Ava and took the ring, "Thank you princess ." he said giving her a kiss on the cheek

We placed the rings on each others finger "I now pronounce you, Mr and Mrs. Brown . You may now kiss your bride ."

Chris picked me up and kissed me, it was time to eat then . It was really good having everybody be apart of this, I couldn't ask for anything else right now . Despite everything going on, I can't wait to go back to the hotel and get this marriage started over again the only way we know how . I was in all smiles through the whole night, I kissed my kids goodnight as they wished me happy birthday . Chris and I disappeared to the hotel, we wasn't slopping each other down though I wanted to take tonight slow .

"Chris wait ." I said leaning him off me

"Brielleeeee, I been waiting for this part all day ! What ?"

I smiled cupping his face "I been trying tell you that I'm 3 months pregnant, it's a boy and I really want to name him after you ."

A slow big ass smile appeared on his face "Are you serious ?"

I smiled cupping his face as he leaned in to kiss me "Yes, you fuck up once even if it's minor there will be no Jr. . Do you hear me ?"

He kissed me multiple times "I never fucking loved you as much as I do now, thank you baby thank you thank you ."

"Now your can proceed with making love to me ." I said grabbing him by the collar of his shirt back on to me

We treated this like it was an actual honeymoon night, as he was in all smiles as he kissed me from head to toe . Gently treating this like it was the first time we made love, I savored every moment . Two nights in a row, three times out of those two damn I love this man .

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