School Sucks

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The loud beeping of the alarm clock woke me from the rare peaceful sleep demigods don't usually get. I felt like taking the alarm and cutting in half with my sword, but I knew to be quiet and careful because Bella was in the room. I silently got out of bed and grabbed my things for the bathroom, heading in I took a quick shower and through my hair in a messy bun.

I decided to start with my outfit, and threw on some of my best ripped at the knees leggings. I then pulled on my long dark blue ripped at the back shirt, I took my skull earings and put them in. I took the time to flat iron my hair and put on a beanie, grabbing my bag I slipped on some black flats, grabbed my phone and looked out the window.

Bella's car was gone from the driveway leaving me to head out on my own. I quickly got in my buick and started her up, I didn't worry about classes or shedules since I got them yesterday like Bella suggested. Before I went to the school though I picked up Nico and we went on our way.

As we parked I could feel the stares we got, though it didn't bother me being stared at is part of being a demigod. I turned off the music that everyone could hear coming from our car, I just hope they like sugar were going down by Fall Out Boy. Nico and I grabbed our bags and walked out of the car, I immediately spotted Bella with Edwerido and Alice along with some others who I assumed were other Cullens.

Nico and I had talked about them and how weird they seemed, almost monster like though one thing was for sure they were not human. As Nico and I leaned against the car waiting for the bell I could feel people coming closer to get a good look at the car. One guy even tried to touch it though Nico quickly shot that down with a death glare.

When the bell finally rang I was so done with stares but I knew we'd only get more in class. As we walked into our first hour people strained in their seats to get a good look at us, I mean come on people were not that strange. So this was basically what happened through all our classes until lunch.

When we walked in everyone turned to look at us, we didn't bother with the lunch line because we brought our lunch. From the back of the cafeteria we could see the Cullens waving us over and as we walked over the whispers grew louder. When we finally got over there I was so done and pushed Nico into a seat, "what are you doing?" Nico hissed at me and I smirked before standing up on a chair. "Hey everyone!" I yelled out grabbing everyones attention "yes we are the new kids, and I know that here this is a big deal but back in New York this is a everyday thing, so stop acting creepy and staring at us!!!!"

With that I sat down to a wide eyed table of golden eyes. "Do you do that offten?" I think Rosaile asked. I was about to answer when Nico did it for me "oh yeah, she's like a mini Thalia!" He laughs and I hit him upside the head. "Say that again and you won't be able to move for a week" I growled, a cough inturpted us from more threatening "so," Emmett saves Nico "you guys sure make a entrance" I hear Bella snort. "Like your one to talk" and he ignores her,

"Where did you get the sweet ride anyway?" He asked and me and Nico look at each other worriedly, we hadn't thought about what to say when someone asks about are parents. "I'm also wondering" Bella adds her piece so I quickly make up a lie, "my dad" I mentally facepalmed way to put it buntly.

Bella had a look of confusion on her face as she looked at me, "but you never knew your dad" I was trying to act cool so she would belive the big lie I was about to feed her. "I met him a couple times before, he was pretty cool I also found out I had a half sibling he's pretty cool too" Bella stared at me shocked. She then started to winne "that's so unfair I always wanted a sibling" we all just laughed.

At the end of the day after I dropped Nico off, me and Bella were driving to LA Push to meet some of her friends that I of course just had to meet according to Bella. I was worried though, I had once heard Chiron talking about wolves in this part of town and if there were I hoped they were friendly because if not it might get ugly.

I gripped the charm on my bracelet, a habit of mine when I'm nervous. Just like Percy's pen my bracelet turns into a sword and my earings turn into a bow and arrows. Unlike my brother I am very capable with a bow, I reached my hand over to the radio but Bella slapped my hand away.

"No music, your music is weird" I groaned but sat back in my seat anyways. There was no arguing with Bella she was too stubborn, but then again so am I. Five minutes later we pulled up in front of a red house when me shouting out lyrics so loudly you could probably hear me inside the house.

The door opened and out came a whole bunch of shirtless boys shrieking about the noice. They all stopped when they saw me with Bella and one of the other guys came forward "who's this Bella?" It was a innocent enough question but his voice showed a little bit of warning. So I decided to be a little difficult, "depends on who wants to know" I answered him smacking my gum.

It looked like I pissed him off so I kept going, "oh a temper, yah know I've got a little temper myself" I studied the boys behind the main one and they looked a little a taken back. "What, surprised? You shouldn't be, he needed to be knocked down a size" the other boys started laughing but Bella looked a little worried.

I elbowed her "lighten up bells, your the one who wanted me to meet them" the guy I was talking to looked a little mad still but he was calming down. I guess he decided that enough was enough so he started talking "I'm Jacob and these our the guys" he jestured for them to introduce themselves.






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