The Cullens Part Two

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                         So yeah, meeting the cullens was so awesome (note the sarcasm) and getting a whole bunch of golden eyed freaks suspicious of you was just great. Though it wasn't your typical and then she died story's, it was pretty bad.

              As soon as I walked through the door I was attacked in a hug by the bubbly Cullen Alice, who I had already met before. When I was let go, looking around the room I saw all the Cullen's had smirks on their faces, and I knew they had heard Bella and I's conversation.

          A beautiful woman came up and shook my hand, smiling she says "hello, I'm Esme and this is my husband Carsile, I'm assuming you've already met our children." I returned Esme's smile and nodded "we've met but really haven't been properly Introduced,"

         Esme turns too frown at the rest of her family "well how rude, let me properly introduce you." Pointing too each person she says each name "Emmet, Rosalie, Jasper, and you've already met Edward and Alice."

         Pretending that I was listening I focused on my powers and felt there blood stream. It wasn't like a normal mortals, which confirms Nico and I theory that their Vampires. I'm actually not surprised, there was obviously something wrong with them and there body temps were way too low for a normal mortal.

          Deciding to put what I found out aside for now to tell Chiron later I tuned back into the conversation. " - play piano" Bella was saying, I shook my head "sorry wasn't listening can you repeat that"

       "I was saying that maybe we could have Edward play the piano for us." I nodded and followed the Cullen's and Bella into a room with a grand piano, Honestly I didn't want to hear Edward play and was just trying to be polite. I had hated the piano ever since my mother died, she'd play a special song she wrote just for me and she'd sing every night for me. She taught me how to play the piano and I haven't played since the day she died.

          So when he started playing what Bella said was her song I ran and I cried, I ran away from the memories, I ran away from the guilt, because in the end.............It was my fault she died.

             So there you have it, do you hate me yet. I decided I wanted to let you have at least a little in site too her past for Valentines day. I wanted to get a little sentimental, anyways so I wrote a one-shot about Percabeth and Solangelo for Valentines day so please go check that out. Sorry the chapters so short, but every Sunday we have some family friends over so I didn't want to write a super long chapter when we have people over. Anyways so I decided that if I didn't update by the end of every week you can totally chew me out for it. That and I know that my chapters have been really short lately but since I haven't updated in a while I just wanted to post something, but hey let me know if you want longer chapters maybe you don't. So just comment, go check out that one-shot, and have a happy Valentines day.

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