The Cullens

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                        No matter how much I pleaded and wined my cursed cousin Bella would not allow me to stay in bed and sleep. Well jokes on her, how could I sleep when I know that a vampire is in the room watching my every move.

            So no, I didn't get any sleep and yes, I still wanted to go back to NYC to fight in the war. "come on Alex, we are going to the Cullens so you can meet everyone." Bella announces to which I groan and roll over

    "I don't want too, go to your weird boyfriends by yourself" I can practically hear the eye roll.                  " He's not weird and ALEXINDRA PEARL ROSE if you do not get out of bed right now I'm going to pour a bucket of ice cold water on your head!!!!!"

      Now normally that wouldn't have worked on me since I was a daughter of Posideon and could just dry myself off, but she didn't know about my powers and I'd rather her not find out. So I quickly got up acting afraid of the water and ran to get dressed.

         Minutes later I came out dressed in a sweater with a skull on it and some white jeans with converse. Bella came out with a sky blue shirt, black hoodie, and some blue jeans. We took my car with my insistence of course and got there in no time.

           "Here we are" Bella says sounding nervous and she turns to me " listen I'm laying down some rules while were here."

         I of course don't know why she's even bothering considering I'm not going to follow the dumb rules and she knows it too. But I decide to give her the benefit of the doubt and at least listen to the rules she's giving out.

           "Ok, first no upsetting Emmet he will crush you like a bug" I smirk and make a mental note to annoy him as much as possible " next Rosalie is a very hard person to get along with so don't bother her to much."

              While she is listing these dumb rules I'm making a mental list of how too annoy these people, and Bella is just giving me all the information I need. " Now Alice is very hyper and loves people, just please don't ask her to go shopping, like under any circumstance that's basically all you need to know, the rest of the family is pretty chill."

          "Cool" then I jump out the car ready too annoy some vampires, I knew thanks to practicing my water powers with Percy that the Cullens were listening to our whole conversation. I could feel the shift in water molecules were they stood, that and when I walked into the house they were smirking at me.

            "When I opened the door I was met with six pairs of golden eyes staring at me."

*And that's a rap, sorry it was so short, I have guests over so I couldn't make a super long chapter.

             Next chapter I promise will be longer and I'll maybe include some Seth fluff.* 

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